What is the command for backing up a database ?

  • What is the command for backing up a database in sql server?

    any quick answer?

  • Open SQL's Books On Line (aka BOL)

    Search for keyword 'Backup'.

    You'll find the syntax and options for Backup Database

  • im oracle dba and applied for sql dba job and been given sql db questions, to answer and post it back havent got time to go through books and stuff, just quick, simple answer will do.

    never used sql db lol

  • >>havent got time to go through books and stuff

    Unbelievable. Really. Unbelievable.

    You've applied for a job that you don't have the skills for, and you're using the time & effort of the regulars on this forum to help you get the job  ?

    But you aren't prepared to spend any of your own time & effort on "books and stuff" ?

    I sincerely hope you don't get the job, and I feel for your prospective employer if you do.



  • Lol, I was close... I thaught it was all homework questions



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