Column Name Variable

  • I'm trying to pass a variable (Column name) to a stored procedure to retrieve that column name's values. I have never used case statements before and I'm having problems

    So far I have

    Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_TableValues]

    @Value as varchar (100)



    When 'Model_No'

    Then Select Distinct Model_No FROM [IT].[dbo].[test]

    When 'Proj_Engineer'

    Then Select Distinct Proj_Engineer FROM [IT].[dbo].[test]




  • Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_TableValues]

                  @Value as varchar (100)



    set nocount on

    if @Value  = 'Model_No'

         Select Distinct Model_No FROM [IT].[dbo].[test]

    if @Value = 'Proj_Engineer'

         Select Distinct Proj_Engineer FROM [IT].[dbo].[test]



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  • Works like a champ - Thanks - CY

  • What if you have more columns? Will you be Altering the procedure each time you want to pass another column name?

    Try this..

    Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_TableValues]

    @Value as varchar (100)


    EXEC ('Select Distinct ' + @Value + ' FROM [IT].[dbo].[test]')

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Both suggestions are valid approachs and both would solve the problem outlined.

    I would be weary with a solution like Ronald's, simply because it introduces risk of injection attack. The previous soluion is inflexiable, but has very rigidly defined regarding what is allowed.

    You could do a simple test for legality by parsing @value and joining the results to syscolumns (and thus stripping out anything this is invalid).

    Regarding the first solution, it's worth mentioning that when you have PROCs structured like that, it is very difficult for the query optimizer to cache a decent query plan. A plan that performs great for case 1 may perform miserably for case 2.

    I don't mean to sound critical, both these options will work, but I thought I should bring up these points.

    Out of interest, why are you passing column names as parameters anyway?

    SQL guy and Houston Magician

  • Bottom line:

    Fix the database design.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I'm not saying that the design is right nor wrong.  But this seems to be a case where the tool used to get the data out is not the right one.  Why not simply create 2 distinct procedure and have the application call the correct proc (you could also have a master proc that calls the correct child procedure but I wouldn't use that in this case).

  • If you remind yourself normalization rules you'll see the design is wrong.

    No tools can help here.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I know there's something fishy here but again I never said the design was right.  So what I'd like to see now is what solution mr helpfull can come up with more details than just redo the damn thing!

  • How to fix the house not having proper basement?

    There could be many suggestions about quick fixes and patches.

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    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks for all the input. I wish I had control over the design however I do not. I was tasked to build a report writer that would show all the column names of a particular table than let the user pick which clolumns they would like to query against. The database in question is a legacy DB which was built before my time and I do not have access it.



  • I C.  I never had to do this but why not keep all the queries on the application side?  You just have to make sure that the user can only select the list of columns (no manual input).  And make sure no injection can occur with the where conditions.  That way you will have all the control you need and still be safe.

  • Also you might find this read very helpfull!

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