how to make textbox displayed

  • Hi all,

    I've got a problem with the textbox displaying.  When I have value (populate from a stored procedure), the textbox will display the border and the value of the field in it.  I have made the borderstyle to solid.

    This is fine, the problem is when I have nothing in the filed, the textbox is not displaying. 

    I layout the page with several textboxes.  If the border of the empty textbox not shown, the page looks strange.   I wish to find a way to 'draw a textbox or rectangle there when the textbox value is empty.

    I tried to use an space to replace the null value as - iif(IsNOthing(Fields!Company.Value)," ",Fields!Company.Value), but still not working.

    Your help is very much appreciated,


  • What data region are you using for this?  If it's a tbale, do the rest of the text boxes in the row display normally?

  • Thank you very much for the reply, it's textbox in the body.  All textboxes are fine when they have values from the dataset.

    I took away all the textbox border make it none.  So now it doesn't look so strange.  but I don't know how to deal with it the proper way.

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