Dropping tables dynamically in Stored Procedures

  • I am attempting to drop a table dynamically i.e. if it exists using the following code in a stored procedure.

    if exists

    (select *

    from sysobjects

    where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[table_1]')

    and objectproperty(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    DROP TABLE table_1

    The table currently exists so this code is suppose to check and drop the table as it does if I run this in Query Analyzer. 

    It doesn't work when put in a stored procedure is there any way to get this to work or will I have to drop all my tables at the end of my code to prepare for my next extraction.

  • If it works in QA, it'll work in the proc.. How are the codes different?

  • They are exactly the same I am using the code to create the proc.  Give it a try...

  • Slightly different version but your version should work.

    If it doesn't then you need to post the full sp code.

    SELECT FROM dbo.a
    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE name 'A' AND XType 'U' AND USER_NAME(uid'dbo')
           DROP TABLE dbo.A
  • Hi Ninja,

    You gave me a clue to my issue when you said post the full sp code, I think my problem is in my use of go's i.e.

    Create Proc Pchurn2


    if exists

    (select *

    from sysobjects

    where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[test_table]')

    and objectproperty(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    DROP TABLE test_table


    select top 5* into test_table from table1

    when I remove the go it appears to work I am going to continue to test.


  • That'll give you the answer you need recreate your proc with the code you just posted and see the result for yourself .


    Select Text from dbo.SysComments where id = Object_id('Pchurn2')



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