Stop/exit package on error

  • I have a package which has an Execute SQL task that truncates destination tables and that task feeds a container on the Control Flow tab called Populate Base Tables.  Within the container are several Data Flow tasks, each populating a different table.  Outside the container (and also being fed by the Execute SQL task) is a Data Flow task which takes about 2hrs to run (simply moving data from one table in a db to another in a different db using Fast Load).  All the Data Flow tasks are setup with FailPackageOnFailure and FailParentOnFailure set to true.  Same with the container.  The tasks in the container take about 10 minutes to run.  If even one fails I want the entire package to stop processing and exit the package.  It doesn't happen.  I have set up one of the Data Flow tasks in the container to fail (about 2 minutes into the package run).  That failure doesn't halt anything and the package will continue to run until the 2 hour Data Flow task completes.  What to do?  TIA

    Kindest Regards,


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  • Thanks Site Owners,

    What I would like to have happen is for the "FailPackageOnFailure" to actually cause the package to fail and stop running/exit when the error occurs.  Some data flow tasks are running in parallel and each takes 3-5 hours to run.  If one fails I want all processing to stop and the package to exit/close at the time of failure.  I don't think SSIS is capable of that and that I will have to abandon the data flow tasks and write scripting tasks to monitor the data flow for errors.  I would like to be wrong because the data flow tasks are much faster (using fastload) when they work.  Not being able to break out of them when an error occurs is a not-good thing.

    Kindest Regards,


  • I think you are right.  It's been too long for me to remember the GUI... but I do believe that is a problem you will have to be tricky to resolve.  It's been three days... please do keep us posted... I suspect a lot of people want to hear your solution.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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