DNS Query

  • Here's a shot in the dark. 

    Is there a way to query DNS to gather certain information?  More specifically, I would like to find all IP Addresses or NT Logins associated with a particular subnet.  Or, find the Machine ID for a particular NT User.

    I understand there are separate tools to perform DNS Queries, but is there any way to integrate with SQL?



  • Integrate in what way?

    Do you want to stuff the results into a table or what?


  • It is certainly possible if you write a DLL in C++ and register it as an extended procedure in SQL. For SQL2005 it is of course easier with .Net integration.

  • you can use the OA system stored procs to access a registered dll, just like you would via vb or vbscript

  • Thanks for all the responses!  Knowing it's at least possible will help me approach one of the developers.  Writing DLL's is not quite yet in my bag of tricks.

  • Anything is possible, given enough time and money

    Still, I'm curious as to exactly what you're trying to do..

    Could you give some specific example of any particular 'problem', like what you want and why you want it and what it should be for..?


  • I wrote up a long message and upon previewing it, it dissappeared.  So, in short...

    Programmatically accessing that information could help us find IP addresses or Machine IDs for particular users.  This helps the support staff with particular applications supported.

    The subnet from the IP address helps us find the subnet, which determines VPN connections, which in turn determines a remote user.  This helps the support staff as well as the user community.

    I'm sure more than one way to access that information, but if there was an easy way to do it via SQL, it would be much easier for me to develop and deploy a simple interface integrated with other intranet tools we develop.



    *copy and paste before submitting*

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