SQL Server 2005 - Harware Specification

  • Involved in purchasing a database server, it is to be used as a central database server to handle various applications that require a database.

    Was wondering if people would be willing to share the server specifications (Server Make/Model, CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, etc.) and how many connections the server is handling (and if it is handling this well???). 

    OR /AND

    Any info that can point me in the right directions to help make a decision of the specification of a server required?


  • We are using a Dell PE1850 with 8GB of ram.  There are eight intel xeon 2.80GHZ processors and as for as space, it is attached to a dell powervault.  My data is on a raid 5 array of 540 gb of space, and my logs utilize raid 1 + 0 with 270 gb of space.  I also have my tempDB on a raid 1 + 0 array with 67 gb of space.  The server is used just for OLTP with the only input being from various web sites.  It is handling the load very well as I have no throughput or IO issues.

    Marvin Dillard
    Senior Consultant
    Claraview Inc

  • thanks for the reply... sorry for the delayed reply but do you have any figures on how many concurrent requests the server is handling typically....

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