SSIS Transfer Logins Task - parameters ignored

  • This is my first attempt to use SSIS so I may be doing something incorrectly from a lack of basic knowledge. I am trying to selectively transfer all the logins from just two databases on a SQL 2000 server, to SQL2005 using a Transfer Logins Task. Parameters are

    (a) LoginsToTransfer=AllLoginsFromSelectedDatabases

    (b) MaximumErrorCount=10

    (c) DatabasesList = (Collection)

    There seems to be a problem setting DatabasesList? I have selected the two databases from the SQL server 2000 list of databases with ticks in boxes and hit <OK>, I expected (Collection) to change to my database names. It doesn't. Any ideas?

    When I run the package as system administrator I get the following result:

    SSIS package "Logins.dtsx" starting.

    Error: 0xC002F325 at Transfer Logins Task, Transfer Logins Task: Execution failed with the following error: "Property DefaultDatabase is not available for Login '[ltsbr\colleym]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. ".

    Task failed: Transfer Logins Task

    SSIS package "Logins.dtsx" finished: Success.

    There are no logins transferred, four should be. The failed login 'ltsbr\colleym' is not referenced in either of my databases, so I assume (Collection) refers to all the databases on the SQL 2000 server, not the two I selected. See above.

    Also why would the package stop at the first error? I assumed the parameter MaximumErrorCount=10 would allow the package to run on and other logins be transferred.

    Many thanks



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  • Hi,

    judging from your error message I would assume that your package already fails gathering the necessary information about the logins to transfer.

    Did you try and set a default database for the login mentioned in your error message (or for all others too when you are at it)? That should at least eliminate the current error.



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