• This is less of a specific question and more of a request for for some advice as to possibilities and directions.  Here's the current situation.  My company is using SAP for its purchasing, inventory, etc.  This system is pretty much opaque to me - it's managed by another group within the company, and changes to it go through a complicated approval process.  At the same time, the majority of our users, internal and external, are looking at this same data through a more accesible and more user friendly collection of web applications - done in classic ASP, up through ASP.NET 1.1 and 2 - and stored in an assortment of MS-SQL 2000 databases.  Data is exchanged between SQL and SAP via DTS packages, some nightly, some run more frequently.


    There's some issues here - data is never quite synchronized between the two sides, sometimes the same data must be updated twice, leading to possible data integrity issues, etc.  Given that, we're going to be moving to SQL 2005 within the next  year or so.  From everything I've understood, within that context, there are vastly better ways of dealing with out situation than the way we're currently doing it. 


    So what I'm looking for is just a general impression of what can be done, with SSIS and SAP.  Any approaches that might prove more fruitful, an y pitfalls to watch out for, that sort of thing.

  • Although SSIS does not connect to SAP using the supplied components, there is a source adapter you can buy called Xtract IS ( which provides decent connectivity for SAP. Personally, I have not worked with it but have worked alongside guys who have. Seems to do the trick.

    As for your other problems, there are many ways that SSIS is an improvement over DTS. Two many to mention here but it is a vast improvement. Error handling, speed, control etc etc are far better.

    As for your data sync issue, the way I would do it is source everything, based on parameters, from SAP and dump it to a raw file. This is a very fast way of hardening SSIS pipeline data. Once you have that and pulled everything successfully, you can then insert into SQL. Any failures can be rolled back and started again without hitting SAP.

    SAP with SSIS - Yes. it's a clean solution. See if Extract has a trial period and play around for a while and see for yourself.


    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

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