memory allocation

  • Why a server would only allocate 100k to SQL Server when it's given 4gb. A client has a 2 processor / 4gb RAM server. The sqlserver.exe process is only using 100-200k and not growing. The CPU is pegged at 90-100% during peak hours.  we are using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Ed with AWE enabled.

    Thanks in advance



  • Hi,

    it's no problem with the 100-200k. If you're using AWE-Memory, sqlserver.exe Process shows not the real memory allocation.

    To check how much memory is being used by SQL, use the following TSQL:

    --- total memory used by the SQL Server executable

    SELECT  cntr_value/1024 as 'Total Memory used/MB'

    from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    where object_name = 'SQLServer:Memory Manager' and

    counter_name = 'Total Server Memory (KB)'




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