Application dies

  • I have a reporting application with a SQL 2005 back end. If a user runs a report that requires "too much" data, the application will at some point lock up and die. SQL seems to be ok, its doing what's asked of it. Is there a simple way to set a time out value or some other way that would limit the amount of data that is kicked out, so the application doesn't die, but gets some kind of error message?


  • Just curious... how much data is that?


    Does the app die on all and any pc or just one or a few?

  • The app will die on any PC  or server it runs on. Basically, when too much data is requested, the query runs, and as the app loads the data, you can see the process using up more and more memory. When it hits a certain thresh hold, the app dies. Not sure how much data, guess I can find out by running the query directly on sql.

  • You could modify the query that feeds the app by using TOP n. Your app may not work correctly, but at least it won't die.

    More likely, the query has some faulty logic, or you are doing something that is not set based - if it were being done on the database it would be a (horrors!) cursor.

    Is this a production module or something undergoing development? Either way, it sounds like it needs to go back to the drawing board for rethinking / redesigning / reworking?

  • This is an application that is over 10 years old. There is not one specific query. There are many reports/queries that can be run. The problem is that if users request a data set that is too large, for example all sales transactions from 2000 to the present, as the data is returned to the app, it will die at some point.

    In the past, the app would run on a client PC, so that if the user ran a report that was too large, only that user would be affected. We are trying to deploy this application to a Citrix server that serves mutliple users. It works great as long as no one runs one of these large queries. When someone does, the application will die for everyone.

    So, is there a way to restrict the amount of data being requested by an application or user?

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