Urgent help needed - ActiveX script task

  • Hi


    I have a SISS package with first of all an initial ActiveX script that performs some filesystem operation...then I have a Data Flow Task followed by an Execute SQL Task

    ActiveX task -> Data Flow Task ->Execute SQL Task

    For some reason it seems like the first ActiveX task cant execute (even though I can execute it as a standalone VB script). I get the following Error:

    Package Validation Error

    Error At ActiveX script task[ActiveX script task] : Function not found

    Errors found at ActiveX script validation

    I have not declared the ActiveX script as a function, I just have statements like

    dim fileObject

    dim fso

    dim fld

    set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")

    Set fld = fso.Getfolder("C:\data")



    Can someone please help me. Do I neccesarily need to put all code within a function xx() / End FUnction, or how can I get it to execute ?????

    Please try to help me out on this one ....



  • Is there a reason you are using the ActiveX Script component, instead of the Script Task component?  Is it a previously coded ActiveX script, or new?

    The following article (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms137525.aspx) says it should only be used for pre-existing ActiveX tasks - just until you can convert it to the new script task.

    The new script task leverages .NET and is more flexible and powerful.


  • Hi,


    Yes, its an already exisitng and working (SQL 2000 DTS) VB script..so therefor i wanted to use it.......running out on time. Anyway, I found a workaround (good or bad ?)...i put all my script code into a .vbs file and used a SISS Execute SQL task..inside that task I ran a shell command to invoke the .vbs file.....worked like a dream



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