Odd behavior with SQL and order by

  • Hello all,

    If some one can explain this behavior it would be much appreciated. Attached is the T-SQL to reproduce the issue I am having. The following will throw the exception "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime".

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TheTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[TheTable]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TheTable] (

    [ID] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [TheDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

    [TheOrder] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    set nocount on


    @order int

    insertinto TheTable ([ID], TheDate, TheOrder)

    values(4, '2007-10-01', 2)

    insertinto TheTable ([ID], TheDate, TheOrder)

    values(4, '2007-10-03', 6)

    select *

    from TheTable

    orderby TheOrder

    set @order = 1

    select *

    from TheTable

    orderby case @order

    when 1 then TheDate

    else TheOrder

    end desc

    set @order = 2

    select *

    from TheTable

    orderby case @order

    when 1 then TheDate

    else TheOrder

    end desc

    insertinto TheTable ([ID], TheDate, TheOrder)

    values(4, '2007-10-05', 40520631)

    set @order = 2

    select *

    from TheTable

    orderby case @order

    when 1 then TheDate

    else TheOrder

    end desc

  • This isn't an issue with ORDER BY at all, it's a case of CASE 🙂

    Here's what is happening...

    This works: select cast(2 as datetime)

    This doesn't work: select cast(40520631 as datetime)

    ..recognize the numbers from 'theorder' column?

    Ok, why is this then?

    It's how CASE works.

    The CASE statement can only return *one* datatype.

    This means that if your CASE refers to more than one datatype, and you don't do any explicit conversions yourself, there will be implicit conversions done for you instead.

    As long as this works, all is fine, though it's shaky at best to rely on implicit conversions with CASE.

    (as you've already found out)

    In this example:

    select *

    from TheTable

    order by case @order

    when 1

    then TheDate

    else TheOrder

    end desc

    ..the CASE refers to a datetime and an int and there are no explicit converts, so there will be implicit conversions done automagically. The question is what is converted to what?

    That's decided by the datatype precedence.

    Datetime has precedence over int, so that is what this CASE will return

    (and also convert everything in it to, in order to resolve)


  • why?? I have never seen a case... being used in an Order by.

    if you want to do that stuff the way you want i think you are better off using dynamic sql to build your query string

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Thanks Kenneth, makes sense now.

  • bledu (10/1/2007)

    why?? I have never seen a case... being used in an Order by.

    if you want to do that stuff the way you want i think you are better off using dynamic sql to build your query string

    Oh, it's perfectly ok to use a case in an order by. The trick is only to 'get it right'.

    And NO!!!! Absolutely NO reason to resort to dynamic SQL to do it!


  • oh well there is something to learn everyday

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • You can simply show by which column(s) to order:

    ORDER BY 1

    - orders by 1st column in returning recordset;

    ORDER BY 2, 3

    - orders by 2nd, them 3rd column in recordset

    ORDER BY 3, 1, '1'

    - orders by 3rd and 1st column, '1' is a string constant, is ignored.

    A lot of cool options here.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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