Move jobs from SQL2005 to SQL2000

  • HI All

    I'm moving from SQL2005 to SQL2000.

    How can I move my jobs from 2005 to 2000, without having to recreate it on 2000.

    I have to export my tables from Management Studio to SQL2000 and recreate the stored procs on SQL2000.

    Do I have to recreate the jobs too?

    Any help would be MUCH APPRECIATED!!!


  • You can script the jobs in 2005 and create them in 2000 with that script...

    In 2000 you can script all jobs at once but I don't see that option in 2005 but you can script one job at a time...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks Mohammed

    I didn't even see that one (duh Anchelin), I think it was a case of I saw it there but not really.

    Again thank you!!!


  • Did you try using dts/ssis package to move jobs...

    I believe there is a jobs transfer task in dts...

    OR you may need to check SMO/DMO scripts to create the jobs...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Hi Mohammed

    Thanks for all your input much apprecited. I have another question though, I run the following script to see if SQL Agent running:

    if exists ( select * from master.dbo.sysprocesses where  program_name like 'SQLAgent%')


      print 'SQL Agent running'




       print 'SQL Agent not running' end

    What I ask from you is how can I add the servername to this piece of code? so when I do run it, it returns the servername and the msg: SQL Agent running or not.



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