Error 80004005

  • Hi all,

     I have a DTS package which access a access file in shared drive. when i execute it manually it is not giving error. But when I schedule it , it is giving the follwoign error

     Error:  -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error:  -534774783 (E01FFC01)      Error string:  'S:\Application Development\Ram\ELib_CMF_Feed.mdb' is not a valid path.  Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.   


    I checked the permission of the account under which the sqlagent runs. It is fine. Even I logged in using that account and tried to run the package manually. It ran successfully. So I don't understand what is going on.

    If somebody helps me that would be great.



    Preethi Mohan.

  • Hi Preethi:

    you have to type full absolute path. like \\ApplicationDevelopment\Ram\Elib_cmf_feed.mdb.

  • Thanks,

     I did that, but I'm gettign the follwoing error now. When I tried to open it with that account it is not giving any error. But when I try to run it it is giving the following error.


    Error = -2147467259 (80004005)      Error string:  The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\\ammhinmul2\shared\Application Development\Ram\ELib_CMF_Feed.mdb'.  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. 



    Preethi Mohan.

  • go and verify the shared drive, whether that file has been locked. If so, clear the lock and try to run

  • I already did that. It is not locked.

  • check this article;EN-US;q306269

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