Get all privileges from users

  • Hello,

    Can anyone tell me what procedures can i use to get all the information of privileges of all users in an existing database(Instance)?

    I'm getting a lot of SQL Server hosts,that the administration were made by..... no one, and now i need to check what privileges have users that were created, and what kind of problems should i get if i change their privilieges.

    Sorry for this simple question.



    Jorge Mendes

    Thanks a lot.

    Jorge Manuel Mendes

  • Jorge

    If you're using SQL Server 2000, use the code below.  If you're on SQL Server 2005, use the sys.database_permissions view instead - you don't need a temp table.  Full details are in Books Online.



    TABLE #Permissions (

          Owner sysname,

          Object sysname,

          Grantee sysname,

          Grantor sysname,

          ProtectType nvarchar(10),

          [Action] nvarchar(20),

          [Column] sysname )


    INTO #Permissions EXEC sp_helprotect

    SELECT Grantee,

           Owner + '.' + OBJECT AS ObjectName,




    FROM   #Permissions

    ORDER BY Grantee


    TABLE #Permissions

  • Hello John,

    I like to thanks your amability but i dont know if you understand my point.

    The question were that i need to get one report with permissions owned by all users in my instance.

    Down on this page i put the output of your code, but i dont know what should i do with this output.

    I apreciate your answer.

    Thanks and regards,

    Jorge Mendes

    public dbo.dt_addtosourcecontrol Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_addtosourcecontrol_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_adduserobject Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_adduserobject_vcs Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_checkinobject Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_checkinobject_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_checkoutobject Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_checkoutobject_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_displayoaerror Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_displayoaerror_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_droppropertiesbyid Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_dropuserobjectbyid Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_generateansiname Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getobjwithprop Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getobjwithprop_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getpropertiesbyid Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getpropertiesbyid_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getpropertiesbyid_vcs Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_getpropertiesbyid_vcs_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_isundersourcecontrol Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_isundersourcecontrol_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_removefromsourcecontrol Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_setpropertybyid Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_setpropertybyid_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_validateloginparams Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_validateloginparams_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_vcsenabled Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_verstamp006 Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_verstamp007 Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_whocheckedout Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dt_whocheckedout_u Grant      Execute .

    public dbo.dtproperties Grant      Delete .

    public dbo.dtproperties Grant      Insert .

    public dbo.dtproperties Grant      References (All+New)

    public dbo.dtproperties Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.dtproperties Grant      Update (All+New)

    public dbo.syscolumns Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.syscomments Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysconstraints Grant      Select (All)

    public dbo.sysdepends Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysfilegroups Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysfiles Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysforeignkeys Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysfulltextcatalogs Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysindexes Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysindexkeys Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysmembers Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysobjects Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.syspermissions Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysprotects Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysreferences Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.syssegments Grant      Select (All)

    public dbo.systypes Grant      Select (All+New)

    public dbo.sysusers Grant      Select (All+New)

    Thanks a lot.

    Jorge Manuel Mendes

  • Jorge

    I don't understand exactly what you require, then.  Please will you give an example of how your report should look.



  • Hello John,

    I've tried to get one output like this one.


    |      Login Information    |


    Login Information on HOSTNAME

    Login Name                            Default Database    

    ------------------------------ --------------------

    sa                                        master

    BUILTIN\Administrators             master

    Infraxyz                                {database name}

    infra1q2w                              {database name}

    /***** User that belong to System Administrators *****/


    ATENTION: Not only SA and OEM are members of the System Administrators Server Role

              Check why the following users are also System Administrators:


    Users with SYSADM Privileges  



    NOTE: Login 'BUILTIN\Administrators' shoul be eliminated.

          Take care before eliminate this BUILTIN Group.



    |      Operating System Information   |


    NOTE: The following users are Local Administrators on hostname


    Account Name                   Type    

    ------------------------------ --------

    hostname\Administrator        user   

    hostname\dbasql               user   

    hostname\gestadm              user   

    Domainname\Domain Admins        group  

    Domainname\LocalServerAdministr group 

    But i dont know if this output is suficient.

    Thanks and regards,

    Jorge Mendes

    Thanks a lot.

    Jorge Manuel Mendes

  • Jorge

    Presumably this is the output of some health-checking tool that already exists?  Does sqldiag.exe provide this?


  • John,

    This is the output of a lot of procedures that i've made at two years a go. I only tried when we've got SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 2000 and now i dont know if they function on SQLS 2k5 and what else of privileges should i check in SQLS2k5

    Thanks and regards,

    Jorge Mendes

    Thanks a lot.

    Jorge Manuel Mendes

  • Jorge

    I think you need to study the SQL Server 2005 security model - there's plenty of material in Books Online.  Good luck!

    Also, I would try out sqldiag, which is part of SQL Server, and SQLH2, which you can download from Microsoft, if I remember correctly.


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