Using RS to present reports to webpage

  • I am new to the Visual Web Developer and Visual Studio applications. I have a couple of great reports done in Business Intelligence in the Visual Studio, but I cannot get them to my Website.

    I think I have read every walkthrough and help instruction and I cannot make it work. Can anyone give me some pointers



  • ezzell.diane (2/14/2008)

    I am new to the Visual Web Developer and Visual Studio applications. I have a couple of great reports done in Business Intelligence in the Visual Studio, but I cannot get them to my Website.

    I think I have read every walkthrough and help instruction and I cannot make it work. Can anyone give me some pointers




    Do you mean that you can't get them to your Report Server website or else?

    If it is your Report Server, then you need to deploy them from BIDS by giving the necessary details like Target Report Server URL, Target DataSource, Target Report Folder. Right mouse click on the Solution --> Properties and then enter the relevant details. Once again right mouse click and the deploy them.

    Hope this leads you in the right direction.



  • Lucky,

    I appreciate your advice. I went back and checked the things you suggested. The error message I get when I do the Deploy is that no connection could be made to the Report Server.

    I must be entering the info incorrectly.


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