Blog Post

The need for having both a DW and cubes


I have heard some people say if you have a data warehouse, there is no need for cubes (when I say “cubes” I am referring to tabular and multidimensional OLAP models).  And I have heard others say if you have OLAP cubes, you don’t need a data warehouse.  I strongly disagree with both these statements, as almost all the customers I see that are building a modern data warehouse use both in their solutions.  Here are some reasons for both:

Why have a data warehouse if you can just use a cube?

  • Breaking down complex steps so easier to build cube
  • Cube is departmental view (cube builder not thinking enterprise solution)
  • Easier to clean/join/master data in DW
  • Processing cube is slow against sources
  • One place to control data for consistency and have one version of the truth
  • Use by tools that need relational format
  • Cube does not have all data
  • Cube may be behind in data updates (needs processing)
  • DW is place to integrate data
  • Risk of having multiple cubes doing same thing
  • DW keeps historical records
  • Easier to create data marts from DW

Reasons to report off cubes instead of the data warehouse (a summary from my prior blog post of Why use a SSAS cube?):

  • Semantic layer
  • Handle many concurrent users
  • Aggregating data for performance
  • Multidimensional analysis
  • No joins or relationships
  • Hierarchies, KPI’s
  • Row-level Security
  • Advanced time-calculations
  • Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
  • Required for some reporting tools

The typical architecture I see looks like this:

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