Query...combine results of one column

  • I have a query that some very kind souls helped me get working. They query works great, however the results are not formatting the way I want them to.

    The query is below, and it is displaying individual results for every user like this(sorry the columns don't line up):

    Uname   UnameFirst   UnameLast   WCid   totBilledUnits


    asmith   aaron   smith   wc231   10

    asmith   aaron   smith   wc191   25

    asmith   aaron   smith   wc901   15

    tbrown   tom   brown   wc991   10

    tbrown   tom   brown   wc300   20

    tbrown   tom   brown   wc642   10

    tbrown   tom   brown   wc222   12

    jdavis    joe     davis     wc131   10

    jdavis    joe     davis     wc140   20

    I would like the colums to just show the totals like:

    Uname   UnameFirst   UnameLast   totBilledUnits


    asmith    aaron     smith      50

    tbrown    tom      brown       52

    jdavis    joe      davis       30

    Here is the query:

    SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WC.WCid,

    COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,

    SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,

    SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,

    ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,

    ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,


    FROM workcompleted WC

    INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)

    INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)

    INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)

    INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)

    INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)

    LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses

    FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)

    WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'

    AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL

    AND WC.WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'

    AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'

    GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid, WE.totExpenses

    ORDER BY U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst

    Is there a way to do this with this query?

    Thank you

  • I'm sorry to mention it can be handy to learn some basics regarding Structured Query Language. Invest some time reading about the "select" statement in books online. (this is not meant to be rude, but constructive !)

    This combining is called a group by operation. Modify your select-list and grouping part.

    SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast

    -- , WC.WCid,

    -- COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,

    -- SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,

    SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,

    -- ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,

    -- ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,

    -- WE.totExpenses

    FROM workcompleted WC

    INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)

    INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)

    INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)

    INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)

    INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)

    LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses

    FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)

    WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'

    AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL

    AND WC.WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'

    AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'

    GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst

    --, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid, WE.totExpenses

    ORDER BY U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst




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  • No need to be sorry. I have BOL and I've been using it for over a year now. It's a wonderful resource. But I've tried all sorts of various combinations of my query and they all return similiar results. I only ask questions on this wonderful forum when I am at my wits end. Sometimes you just need another set of eyes to take a quick look at something and maybe they'll see something you overlooked.

  • I totaly agree !

    And sometimes "time" also plays a roll in a situation.



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  • yeah like staying up til 5am looking at the screen until your eyes feel like they are going to fall out.

  • I have this query(below) that returns the type of format I want, but these results are wrong. I am not sure how to combine the two queries to get the results from the first, and the formatting from the 2nd.

    select Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast,

    count(WCid) as totWorkedDays,

    sum(WCtaskAmount) as totWorkedUnits,

    sum(WCbillableAmount) as totBilledUnits,

    round(sum(WCtaskAmount * Urate),2) as totWages,

    round(sum(Umileage * WCmileage), 2) as totMileage,

    round(sum(WCmileage), 2) as totMileage,

    round(sum(WXamount), 2) as totExpenses

    from workrequest, subjectrecord, worktask, users, internaloffice,

    workcompleted left outer join workexpense on WXlinkItemID = WCid

    where WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'

    and WCcompletedDate is not null

    and WCemployeeID = Uname

    and WCtaskTypeID 'BIWTNON'

    and WClinkItemID = WTid

    and WTlinkItemID = WRid

    and UinternalOfficeID = IOid

    and UworkgroupTypeID 'TRUSXXX'

    and WRsubjectRecordID = SRid

    group by Uname, UnameLast, UnameFirst

    ORDER BY UnameLast, UnameFirst

  • can you add tablealiasses ? That eases reading and interpreting the query ?

    e.g select t1.Uname

          from mytable t1

           , myview x2

          where t1.idno = x2.colxyz

             and t1.Ubirthdate = '2007-01-01'


    select t1.Uname

          from mytable t1

           left join myview x2

          on t1.idno = x2.colxyz

      where t1.Ubirthdate = '2007-01-01'


    what you can use to get you going ...


    MyTbExp.Uname, MyTbExp.UnameFirst, MyTbExp.UnameLast,


    (MyTbExp.totWorkedDays) as totWorkedDays,


    (MyTbExp.totWorkedUnits) as totWorkedUnits,


    (MyTbExp.totBilledUnits) as totBilledUnits,


    (MyTbExp.totWages) as totWages,


    (MyTbExp.totMileage_01) as totMileage,


    (MyTbExp.totMileage) as totMileage,







    U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WC.WCid,


    ( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,


    ( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,


    ( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,


    ( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,


    (sum(Umileage * WCmileage), 2) as totMileage_01,


    ( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,




    workcompleted WC


    JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)


    JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)


    JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)


    JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)


    JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)


    JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses

    FROM workexpense

    GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE

    ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)


    WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'


    WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL


    WC.WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'


    U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'


    BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst

    , WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid, WE.totExpenses




    BY MyTbExp.Uname, MyTbExp.UnameFirst, MyTbExp.UnameLast,MyTbExp.totExpenses


    BY U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst


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  • Sometimes (not necessarily this time) it is easier or more efficient to take the result set of your current query, and then perform additional processing on it. 2 ways to do it are:

    1. Insert the results into a temporary table or a table variable and then perform additional processing of the data.
    2. Use the original query as a dynamic table and perform additional processing of the data.

    I generally lean toward the first option unless the original query is small and fast. For large queries or recordsets, breaking it up into seperate smaller actions can often speed up processing. The first option is also handy if you need to perform several different queries on the same subset of data because you only have to perform the core query once.

    Note that in both examples, I moved the Order By to the outer query.

    Example # 1:

    Declare @Results Table (Uname varchar(100) null,

       UnameFirst varchar(100) null,

       UnameLast varchar(100) null,

       WCID varchar(10) not null,

       totWorkedDays int not null,

       totWorkedUnits int not null,

       totBilledUnits int not null,

       totWages int not null,

       totMileage int not null,

       totExpenses int not null)

    Insert Into @Results

    SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WC.WCid,

    COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,

    SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,

    SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,

    ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,

    ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,


    FROM workcompleted WC

    INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)

    INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)

    INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)

    INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)

    INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)

    LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses

    FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)

    WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'

    AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL

    AND WC.WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'

    AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'

    GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid, WE.totExpenses

    Select Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast, Sum(totBilledUnits) As totBilledUnits

    From @Results

    Group By Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast

    ORDER BY UnameLast, UnameFirst

    Example # 2:

    Select Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast, Sum(totBilledUnits) As totBilledUnits

    From (SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WC.WCid,

            COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,

            SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,

            SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,

            ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,

            ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,


            FROM workcompleted WC

            INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)

            INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)

            INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)

            INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)

            INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)

            LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses

            FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)

            WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'

            AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL

            AND WC.WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'

            AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'

            GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid, WE.totExpenses) As DynTable

    Group By Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast

    ORDER BY UnameLast, UnameFirst

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