views across databases with Union ALL Statements

  • Hi All,

    I've been having some problems getting a union all statement to work. we have to databases that i've created crosstabed view on some reference tables that the users can add or remove the refernce columns from within the app. the problem is that not all the reference fields in the databases are the same. I can't change the way that the app work because it a thrid-party app.

    Now, I've created and script that looks at the two views from each database a works out which columns are missing from which view so that when the script creates the union all view is can add the a the column name as a null column, but this only works if the missing column is a string column.

    Does anyone have any ideas how i can get SQL to union a null column in one select to a non-string column.




    ,NULL AS column_b --varchar(10)

    ,a.column_c --DECIMAL(18,8)

    ,a.column_d --DECIMAL(18,8)

    FROM databases1.dbo.view1 AS a





    ,NULL AS Column_C

    ,NULL AS Column_d

    FROM databases2.dbo.view2 AS b

    and when i execute this statement i get the only error message.

    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.



  • ...

    , CONVERT(varchar(10), NULL) AS column_b


    Code for TallyGenerator

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