Named Pipes Connection Problem via alternate server name

  • On a SQL2005 (3215) server we have enabled Named Pipes and TCP for local/remote connections.

    However when I try to do a sqlcmd of sqlcmd -S then it works and I can see a named pipes connection although I would have thought TCP would be tried first as that is the sequence in CLient Protocols.

    But when I try sqlcmd -Snp: then I get a Hresult 0x52E, Could not open a connection to SQL server [1326]

    This is from the same server that the SQL is installed on.

    The is not the true name of the server so that if we moved server the users would not have to change their connection server name. and if I use that real server name OR the actual IP address then it works fine.

    The I am using does PING to the same IP address.

    We have 1 Named Pipe alias configured when the alias name is the I am entering and the server is the real server name.

    Also, since enabling Named Pipes I cannot connect to the -Usa -Psa and that connects as expected, as TCP/IP

    SQL Server Browser service is not running on the server and I have tried with that running to no affect.

    Hopefully someone has come across this specific issue before and knows the solution.


  • are you working with server alias?

  • Just to confim, all users are using TCP/IP not Named Pipes

    I guess this alias is being used by sqlcmd as it is the same name, although I can PING the alias name.

    Is that the problem, having the alias name as an already known server name

    When I try to sqlcmd it from the server it connects as named pipes, but when I say np: it fails.

    I have the on my desktop pc in my hosts file and when I sqlcmd it, then my connection is tcp/ip and np: fails from there too.

  • I think, there shouldn't be a issue using the SAME Server name as the ALIAS name.

    Try to check your PROTOCOLS Settings under SQL Server configuration Manager.--> SQL Server 2005 Network configurations--> Protocols for your instance.--> Right click TCP/IP: Properties--> goto IP Addresses TAB and check to see the IP1 is enabled and Active, also check the IP Address....

  • the setting are at default, the protocol tab has 'Listen All' set to yes, IP1 has active set to Yes and Enabled set to No and the IP address is the one of the server.

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