URGENT: Backup to network device Fail..Operating system error 86.. The specifiednetwork password is not correct.).

  • I have one network device ..

    in thos i have created folder backup and it open with username and password only..

    i have take backup to this '\etdev\bakup\master.bak

    It raised error liike:

    Msg 3201, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Cannot open backup device '\\etdev\bakup\master.bak. Operating system error 86(The specified network password is not correct.).

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    and i have tried it with mapping those drive in my local..and then backup to it..but getting error like 'network name not found'

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • Dear

    Is your firewall off?



  • First test your domain authentication by clicking on start then goto run and then type in the path :\\ folder\folder

    It will then ask for username and password, when typing in username put domain first : "domain"\"username" and then enter password . It should then authenticate.

    Same should be done for the backup job.

  • not it is on,

    and when i have mapped that drive, i can see and open..

    and aslo open from directly \etdev\backup\ from my local machine..

    buit backup can not done

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • Then the problem is with the User account executing the backup job in SQL . Is it a SQL login or a windows Authenticated login ?

  • SQL logins..

    But i think concern with network storege device?

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • Dear

    1. Please off your firewall from both side(from system and from NAS(Network Attached Storage device))

    2. Then check the RW(read / write)permission on the folder.

    3. Then see that the sql user's (UserId and Password) and Folder's (UserId and Password) are how related?



  • To confirm this is a permissions problem, set the share and NTFS permissions on the remote backup folder to "Everyone" - Change Control / Modify

    Then try and re-run the backup.

  • I wouldn't switch my firewall off on either side ... If you want to do that, definitely make sure someone senior gives you the go ahead - preferably in writing. Though more likely they'll tell you that there's no need to switch the firewall off to grant folder access.

    I wouldn't grant 'Everyone' access on a directory either. Things like that may seem no big deal at the time, but then someone forgets to change the permissions back, data gets into the wrong hands and everyone's looking at you.

    Start at the beginning and check out the directory permissions as has been suggested.

  • Why not backup to a local drive and copy the backup to the network drive?

  • I have taken backup on networh storage device, and the folder have username and password required to open that folder,

    When i take backup to taht folder,,i got above error which i have mentationed..

    So, how i can take backuop ti\o that folder..


    how can i have to access that folder for backup..how?

    or is there any way in script we can autonicate username and paswword..is there any sql script or windows scirpt?

    But, i can not gave acess of folder to eveyone ..bec..it's for security..

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • the "SQL Server Service" account needs READ/WRITE access to the folder

    I don't know if you can EXECUTE AS for the BACKUP DATABASE code..

    Backup to LOCAL and copy over works too as suggested

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • But how can i copy to network storage device...

    when i run command

    xp_cmdshell 'dir "nas01\folder"'


    backup database master to disk = '\aso1\folder\master.bak'

    raised error : Specified path unavailable..so i can not take backup to yhat location..

    But when i open ppath from start->run --> type ptah---it open.


    how can i take backup to FTP ?

    so, i can directly to take it on FTP of that.

    Help pls..

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • Paresh, I've held my tongue for too long. You've been given solid advice and refuse to act upon it. Your network login obviously has rights to the network path. The account running the SQL (or SQL Agent) services does not. Get your network admin involved to correct the rights on the share. Whatever account is running SQL (or the Agent) needs, at a minimum, write rights to the network share. Without it, we can go on for days as to why this is not working and never get a resolution. Take the advice given, grant the proper rights and you'll be fine. This is NOT rocket science, many of us stumbled upon this early in our careers. Do NOT turn off the firewall settings - as already stated by Cath. Re-read Jerry's reply. Take the advice given - it WILL resolve your problems.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • +1 for Re-read my replies 😀

    Yesterday on a SQL Server

    We changed the SQL Server Service account from "Local System" to "DOMAIN\user" (and restart SQL Server after) that has access to remote backup locations, so that we can restore from network directly

    Backup & Restore 101

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005

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