Error 81;15Arithmetic overflow error ...

  • Good evening

    In a production system using sqlserver 2000 a make a simple sql stament like this

    select count(*) from table_name

    As output the following error descriptions appears:

    Arithmetic overflow error error converting accessing to data type int.

    So it happens while queryng the same table in the Enterprise manager.

    this could happen because the table_name is very large ( hundred and hundred millions of records)

    how can i count the number of records this table has?

    I'll apreciate your help

  • You can try:


    FROM table_name;

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • Out of interest, what does sp_spaceused 'tablename' give you ?

    spaceused returns number of rows in the table and is 11 char in len. (spaceused also depends upon internal stats being up-to-date)

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