Change Collation

  • Working on a COTS database MAS500, VAR set up server with the wrong collation, should have been SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, have tried dropping all constraints, BCP in/out, and have dug deep into the trick book but cannot seem to have any success in changing it. Here is a look at what i think are the final constraints that need to be dropped. Any help, reference to a third party, I'm looking at anything right now.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fntIMBuildListOfSerialNos' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickLookUp4LotByItemKey' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickLookUp4SerialByItemKey' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fntIMSavedDist' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistBin' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistBinLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistBinSerial' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistBinSerialLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWADistSerialLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWAITA001' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWAPOA001' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWARMAA001' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOA001' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickA001' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickA002' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickLookUp4Bin' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickLookUp4Lot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnWASOPickLookUp4Serial' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistBin' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistBinLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistBinSerial' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistBinSerialLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fnIMDistSerialLot' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'vListValidationString' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5075, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The object 'fntIMGetInvtItemSubstitute' is dependent on database collation. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation.

    Msg 5072, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    ALTER DATABASE failed. The default collation of database 'mas500' cannot be set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

  • Are these objects created with SCHEMABINDING clause? You have to script them, drop them, change db collation and recreate them from script.

    What is collation of the tempdb database? If it is different than the one you want change to on your database you will have problems with temptables and subqueries that compare character fields.


    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • Ray,

    Have you seen:


    I do not think that it is perfect, but it might help you.


    Henrik Staun Poulsen

    Stovi Software

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