Memory Issue

  • I have AWE enabled system with min server memory=0 and max server memory=2147483647

    Total Ram = 7.99 GB and Page file=6190 MB....

    what shud be da crct setting???


  • Hi,

    What version of the Windows Operating System are you running?

    Either way, this article will point you in the right direction to all the information you need. The memory section will detail all the books online articles you need to reference.

    An appropriate example configuration, if you are using the /3GB switch and a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition might be:

    Min: 2GB

    Max: 7GB

    Factors other than solely the amount of RAM your server has available influence what would be an appropriate configuration. For example, if you are using a lot of CLR components or SSIS packages, you may wish to ensure that more memory is available from the memToLeave area of the buffer pool. To ensure this you would need to use the -g startup parameter for the SQL Server Service and would also need to reduce the MAX memory setting of SQL Server accordingly.

    I hope this info. helps you along the right path to choosing an appropriate configuration for your platform but do please feel free to pose further questions.


    John Sansom (@sqlBrit) |

  • As I said earlier awe was setup with default settings and thus the max server memory was greater than the total physical memory on the system.

    I also noticed that the page file usage was over 8 GB possibly because of OS as didn't had physical memory.

    I changed the max server value to 7 GB giving 1 GB to OS. Now the page file usage is around 2.5 GB.

    Does the earlier configuration wud hv any effect on the web application running on sql server 2005.


  • any suggestions???


  • SQL Frenzy (3/15/2009)

    Does the earlier configuration wud hv any effect on the web application running on sql server 2005.

    If by this statement you mean that you were running a web application on the same server as your instance of SQL Server, then these two processes would have been competing for resources with one another which could have been detrimental to performance.

    If you are running other applications on this server in addition to SQL Server and do not have an option to rellocate them, then I would recommend that you consider reducing the MAX memory setting further.

    John Sansom (@sqlBrit) |

  • John Sansom (3/16/2009)

    SQL Frenzy (3/15/2009)

    Does the earlier configuration wud hv any effect on the web application running on sql server 2005.

    If by this statement you mean that you were running a web application on the same server as your instance of SQL Server, then these two processes would have been competing for resources with one another which could have been detrimental to performance.

    If you are running other applications on this server in addition to SQL Server and do not have an option to rellocate them, then I would recommend that you consider reducing the MAX memory setting further.

    the web application is on a different box and this machine is only for sql server


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