*** Memory Problems ***

  • Hello... Can someone please help me.

    I'm not having very good luck with my new server. Last week I had this issue...

    click me

    After resolving that problem I now have another issue. I've been seeing the following errors throughout my logs..."There is insufficient system memory to run this query."

    Sporadically...In SSMS I'm unable to open activity monitor or the log viewer. They both timeout and throw the memory error. I've also noticed a lot more blocking problems as well.

    SQL server is currently using 2.8GB and the total available physical memory is hovering around 500MB. The total physical memory in the server is 4GB and the pagefile is set to 2-4GB.

    Oddly enough...I wasn't getting these memory errors before "fixing" the /3GB problem. What gives? Should I consider limiting the SQL max memory?


  • Try specifying max server memory to 2GB and see how it goes.


  • MANU (3/28/2009)

    Try specifying max server memory to 2GB and see how it goes.


    I donโ€™t know why Dave is getting those errors, but I donโ€™t think that granting less memory to SQL Server will solve the problem. Can you please explain why giving the server less memory then it has now, will solve the problem?


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  • What service pack are you on ?

    Post the results of:

    Select @@version


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  • I tried setting the SQL server max memory to 2.4GB and still used over 2.6GB. Everything was looking great, zero blocked processes and the CPU average was down from it's norm of 20-40% to 10-25%. Problem solved? Nope... When I checked my email this morning it was full of blocked process alerts. I logged onto the SQL server to check the logs and I couldn't even open the log file viewer or the activity monitor. Both timed out with the same insufficient memory error.

    I've since set the max to 2.1GB and restarted SQL. It just bypassed the max again and is hovering around 2.2GB. This must be a Microsoft "feature."

    Has anyone seen behavior like this before?

    Here's my version info. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00

  • Your on SP2 without any cumulative updates. (current is sp3)

    Do you see any other messages in your sqlserver errorlog file ?

    I would try to start a trace and figure out what's going on.

    Just use a default trace. You would better not use profiler to run it, but capture the trace to a local file to not to much stress your server with it.


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  • I've been holding out on updating to sp3. What are the caveats to watch out for? My current setup is mirroring to stand by SQL 2005 server and replication to a SQL 2000 box.

    No other errors in the logs.


  • By the way, Microsoft engineers that I have spoken to advise heavily against running 3Gb switch for SQL Servers.

    It makes sense...what Microsoft operating system these days will run effectively with 1Gb of physical memory?

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