Is there anyway I can get XML data into a table?

  • Is there anyway I can get XML data into a table?


    Mahesh Mamidi

  • If you want to know how to store it in the db then you can use xml data type.

    "Keep Trying"

  • using XML we can store full xml in one column. But I am looking at storing XML data elements into table columns. For instance I have below xml

    - (ListInfo>

    - (OPT xmlns="">


    (Created>11/21/2008 02:43:13

    (Modified>11/24/2008 04:56:04





    I wanted to store above data into a table (not a predefined table). Is there any way?


  • Can someone help me in this? It's little urgent.....


  • Have you tried inserting it into char / varchar column ?. I hope you want it as text .

  • Yes, varchar columns are fine. But each element of the xml should go into separate column. But how do I extract the XML data elements into a table?


  • You can use value() method of XQuery to retrive individual information from xml and insert it into your destination table.

    "Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits"

  • I might have misunderstood what you are trying to do, but have you looked up OPENXML in Books OnLine?

    This enables you to open an XML document into a table structured in the same way as your document, so you can work with it,

    If what you mean is that you want to save it raw, and it's big, use a text / ntext column.


  • Try this

    declare @x xml

    set @x='

    ...your XML here



    x.y.value('declare namespace s=""; s:OpportunityId[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') AS OpportunityId,

    x.y.value('declare namespace s=""; s:Created[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') AS Created,

    x.y.value('declare namespace s=""; s:Modified[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') AS Modified,

    x.y.value('declare namespace s=""; s:AccountId[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') AS AccountId,

    x.y.value('declare namespace s=""; s:CurrencyCode[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') AS CurrencyCode

    INTO MyNewTable

    FROM @x.nodes('declare namespace s="";

    /ListInfo/s:OPT') AS x ( y )


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  • mamidimahesh (4/20/2009)

    using XML we can store full xml in one column. But I am looking at storing XML data elements into table columns. For instance I have below xml

    - (ListInfo>

    - (OPT xmlns="">


    (Created>11/21/2008 02:43:13

    (Modified>11/24/2008 04:56:04





    I wanted to store above data into a table (not a predefined table). Is there any way?


    If you want to store the xml elements and not the xml a columns with the appropriate data types will do. If its a int data use a int column and so on. You can use OPENXML to parse the xml and store it into the table.

    What do you mean by "not a predefined table" ?

    "Keep Trying"

  • Chirag (4/22/2009)

    You can use OPENXML to parse the xml and store it into the table.

    Don't use OPENXML! Use XQuery. See the following SQL ServerCentral article:

    [font="Arial Narrow"](PHB) I think we should build an SQL database. (Dilbert) What color do you want that database? (PHB) I think mauve has the most RAM.[/font]

  • There is a good article in books on line that gives examples of "Performing Bulk Load of XML Data"


  • JohnG (4/23/2009)

    Chirag (4/22/2009)

    You can use OPENXML to parse the xml and store it into the table.

    Don't use OPENXML! Use XQuery. See the following SQL ServerCentral article:

    thanks for the link.

    "Keep Trying"

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