SQL Server 2008 SSMS Enhancements - Part I

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server 2008 SSMS Enhancements - Part I


  • Good article, though leaves me wanting to know more 🙂 (I haven't been keeping up that closely w/ SQL Server 2008).

    Any idea if these features are available when connected to 2005 (or earlier) databases?


  • Yes, the activity monitor and index hint are available when you are connected to a SQL Server 2005 instance.

    Intellisense, (which I have not mentioned here) was available earlier, but in RC0 it has been removed. Intellisense will work only on a SQL Server 2008 database.


  • Managment Studio 2008 Activity Monitor is connecting to SQL 2008 and 2005 Servers, but it is giving me a message that it does not support SQL 2000 servers despite Managment Studio allowing all other functions on them.

    Is no ability to monitor activity of SQL 2000 servers with the 2008 Managment Studio or is this a problem with RC0?

  • Thanks for the INDEX HINT, just used it, pretty cool

    I am sure there are other features we'll find gradually in SSMS 2008

    still getting used to the 'Activity Monitor' versus the 2005 Activity Monitor

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • An average article. From the title I expected much more than brief mention of two new features. And no, the splash screen doesn't count.

    Pasting screenshots of cool features does not make a cool article.

  • Good article, waiting for the other in the series.

  • Nice job! Would like to learn a bit more though, looking forward to part 2

  • Nice article. Its worth pointing out that (at least so far as I can tell) the very nice missing index feature in the graphical execution plan only works when connected to SQL Server 2008 instance. Turning on the XML showplan feature though will still give you the text (or technically xml) version.

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog: http://timothyawiseman.wordpress.com/

  • Its worth pointing out that (at least so far as I can tell) the very nice missing index feature in the graphical execution plan only works when connected to SQL Server 2008 instance. .

    The example in the screenshot is taken from a SQL Server 2005 database. So it looks to me that it works for SQL Server 2005 as well.


  • Do you know if their is a 64bit client?

  • I dont have a 64 bit server on which I could test it. The RC0 download page has 64 bit download too. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=35F53843-03F7-4ED5-8142-24A4C024CA05&displaylang=en

    Hence I am pretty sure that there is a 64 bit client as well.


  • Good to know this Jacob, i was searching for this Activity monitor, thanks for this good explanation 🙂

  • Hi,

    Good article, nice & informative to those who're new to SSMS 2008.

    However, ( i know it's a little moan on my part & ) whilst it's nice to have snazzy, fancy i/o, disk usage graphs etc, the extra hints & so forth but what did they do to it, i mean what happened to old separate window approach as now it's all drop down stuff & all compressed onto a single screen, not to adjustable or possible to have in a separate window running in background whilst you do other stuff with a server etc. I noticed that they seemed to have left the job activity monitor alone, old school style....

    Is it just me ?, am i using it wrong ?, can it be de-docked into it's own window ?...somebody please tell me that i'm just being dense & that there's another way to do it ( much like the older way !! )......please !

    Any answers to this would be welcome, otherwise i think i'll be using SSMS 2005 even for managing 2008 instances, which probably means i'll be missing loads of other potentially usefull stuff in SSMS 2008 !

    Be happy to hear other peoples experiences or advance on it



  • I would suggest take a look at SQL Server Performance Dashboard Reports, which can display all those graphs - io, cpu, memory - and a bunch of other information right in your SSMS.


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