How to get monthly report

  • Hi all,

    i have a table named tblAdmission(AdmissionDate DateTime, NoOfStudents int)

    rows available

    AdmissionDate NoOfStudents

    1/Jan/2008 2

    5/Jan/2008 1

    10/Feb/2008 4

    27/Feb/2008 3

    15/Dec/2008 10

    I want the result in format

    AdmissionMonth NoOfStudents


    Jan/2008 3

    Feb/2008 7

    Mar/2008 0

    Apr/2008 0

    May/2008 0

    Jun/2008 0

    Jul/2008 0

    Aug/2008 0

    Sep/2008 0

    Oct/2008 0

    Nov/2008 0

    Dec/2008 10

    i.e. I want the month total admission and those month's records whose value is 0 or not available so that i can easily display the value in my report. I want to query statement. Thanks in advance...

    -Min Chaudhary

  • select datepart(month,@date),sum(Noofstudents)

    from temp1

    group by datepart(month,@date)

  • or Change DATEPART to DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, AdmissionDate ), 0) to get the First of the month in datetime format (if you need to show the year) and group by it too...


  • Thanks for reply but the above query will return only those months records in which records are available.

    Jan/2008 3

    Feb/2008 7

    But i want all months in given range. Suppose i provide date between 1/Jan/2009 and 30/Jun/2009 then it should return the below result set.

    Jan/2008 3

    Feb/2008 7

    Mar/2008 0

    Apr/2008 0

    May/2008 0

    Jun/2008 0

    If it is possible then plz suggest me. thanks...

  • Read Jeff Moden's article on Tally tables here:

    Create one, then try this:

    declare @t table(date datetime,e int)

    insert @t(date,e)

    select '20080101',2 union

    select '20080105', 3 union

    select '20080210', 4 union

    select '20080801', 4 union

    select '20090401', 8

    declare @start datetime, @end datetime

    select @start = '20080101', @end = '20081231'







    @t t on MONTH( = MONTH(dateadd(mm,N-1,@start))


    N <= 1+datediff(mm, @start,@end)

    You'll then need to SUM and GROUP the results of this appropriately.

    Disclaimer: this ain't production code.

  • Create new function

    CREATE FUNCTION uf_GenerateDateRange


    @StartDate DateTime,

    @EndDate DateTime




    tmpDate DateTime



    DECLARE @Inc_Date DateTime

    DECLARE @End_Period DateTime

    -- Convert input parameters: trunc time

    SET @StartDate = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @StartDate, 112) AS DATETIME)

    SET @EndDate = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @EndDate, 112) AS DATETIME)

    SET @Inc_Date = @StartDate

    SET @End_Period = DATEADD(day, 1, @EndDate)

    WHILE (DATEDIFF(day, @Inc_Date, @End_Period)0)


    INSERT INTO @TblDates (tmpDate) values (@Inc_Date)

    SET @Inc_Date = DATEADD(day, 1, @Inc_Date)




    And use it to get needed recordset

    select datepart(month,tmpDate),sum(IsNull(Noofstudents, 0))

    from tblAdmission

    right join dbo.uf_GenerateDateRange ('19900101', '20200101') on tmpDate = AdmissionDate

    group by datepart(month,tmpDate)

  • I would advise strongly against using a UDF with a WHILE loop in it.

    Please see Jeff's article[/url] on using a Tally table to avoid loops.

  • Thank you very much it solved my problem...

  • just for curiosity, which approach you followed, Tally table or UDF and why you followed it?

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