Log Shipping: setup question

  • I have tried following several recognized texts for setting of Log Shipping

    but for me none of these procedures are working properly.

    My understanding is that when complete

    - At least one job should be set up on the Primary Instance (LSbackup).

    - At least two jobs should be set up on the Secondary Instance (LScopy and LSrestore).

    However when Completing the setup from the Management Studio Form,

    this is all done on one server - usually the primary.

    When clicking OK we end up with all 3 jobs set up for the Primary.

    On the other hand, if we click the Script button, we get a script which tells

    us that some of the instructions should be run the Primary and others should

    be run on the Secondary.

    -- ****** Begin: Script to be run at Primary: [ukcheerp04] ******

    ... stuff the run on Primary Server

    -- ****** End: Script to be run at Primary: [ukcheerp04] ******

    -- ****** Begin: Script to be run at Secondary: [ukchsql01] ******

    ... stuff to run on Secondary Server

    -- ****** End: Script to be run at Secondary: [ukchsql01] ******

    To me it looks like this is telling me to run some of it on the

    Primary and the rest on the Secondary.

    This is easy enough now that we have the script.

    But if we just click OK rather than generating the script, we end up

    with all 3 jobs set up on the Primary

    - which is wrong, isn't it???

    Am I missing a trick here?

  • seems like its sql 2005.

    Yes one job for ----primary ---backup L

    two jobs for secondary --standby ---copy L and restore L

    make sure you choose different server name when u setting up secondary. seem slike you are doin glog shipping in same server.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Yes 2005.

    To your second question, No.

    I want primary on one server and secondary on different server.

    My point is that if I try running the "wizard" it sets it all up on

    ONE Server even though I have specified a different server name

    for the secondary.

    It is only when I ask for the wizard to generate a script that

    it tells me that half of the script need to be run on the Secondary.

    If I click OK on the wizard it gets it "wrong" and sets up

    all 3 jobs on the one instance.

    Has nobody else discovered this?

  • Hi ,

    when u say wizard. what you mena by that . i setup like this.

    right click database--> properties---->Transaction log shipping --> fill up banks there.

    did you created shared folder on primary and destination ?

    Also use UNC in path?

    What patch you have on your sql server.

    make sure sql are running under domain account?

    logshipping is very simple and straigh forward in 2005.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

  • Thanks again for the response.

    SQL Server Version is 9.00.3294.00

    (SQL Server 2005 SP2 Cumulative Update 10).

    Yes I do mean "right click database--> properties---->Transaction log shipping".

    Can you confirm that when YOU go through the exercise of filling

    in the Form and clicking OK that you get jobs generated on BOTH

    the Primary and Secondary - unlike myself who gets all 3 jobs

    generated on the PRIMARY?

    "SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)" is running under a domain account.

    I am using UNC paths and have given "full control" to the domain account.

    However the "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" is running under a local account.

    I cannot change this until Sunday.

    The latter may be problem but I would NOT expect it to affect the

    creation of the Jobs.

    I am not saying that the setup does not appear to be straightforward.

    What I am saying is that it is not working - for me at least.

  • Log Shipping wizard has always generated 1 on PRIMARY and 2 on SECONDARY for me, every time

    What did you put in for the "Secondary databases"?

    Did you actually see a Connection dialog window popup prompting you to connect with correct credentials?

    Maybe you can post a screenshot of the wizard for us?

    Try it on another DB is what I'd suggest, or delete the whole thing and re-try again

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • yes for me it works fine. 1 job on primary and 2 jobs on secondary.

    ok when you setup jobs. do they run fine like does any of these jobs fail regardless of where they are created.

    check in log shipping monitor the status of log shipping.

    run below comman on DR to see if logs a restored. i mean as long as logs are restoring fine i think dont worry abou it then.

    select * from msdb..restorehistory

    One thing which i am suspecting is that for your case may be primary and seconday are same server. i cant say for sure but i have this feeling you can double check carefully.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

  • Thanks both for input.

    I am definitiely choosing a different

    Primary and Secondary Server on the form.

    But it was creating all 3 jobs on the Primary.

    No it didn't work like this.

    I got round the problem generating the Script and

    running part of it on the Primary

    and part of it on the Secondary.

    I just can't understand why I should have to do this.

    I have seen Jerry's request for screenshots.

    I will try to find time to reproduce my setup

    and provide screenshots as requested.

    But this might take a few days as I am having

    to get on with something else at the moment.

    [ I AM having some other problems with Log Shipping

    - not restoring anything - but I don't think

    this is related.

    I have seen a number of suggestions that we need

    to stop Log Backups when doing Log Shipping so

    my Restore problems might be to do with this.

    But this is another subject so I don't think

    it is appropriate to go into detail on this

    under this topic.


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