Optimizing a stored procedure

  • Hi there,

    I want to show you a stored procedure made by third party company with cursors (maybe weeks to throw a result) and transformed by myself with tables variable (1-2 days). I want to know if it would exists another solution to reduce the time of execution of stored procedure.

    I have 14 tables with the following counters of rows:

    artavizec_storno - 915

    artavizef_stociesiri - 313873

    artchitcc_storno - 0

    articole - 9120

    artnir - 488419

    avizec - 235544

    bon - 1147854

    chitfiscalec - 7223

    elementcont - 88148

    gestiuni - 7714

    nir - 168638

    societati - 276

    stociesiri - 4496330

    stocuri - 1731728

    and the famous stored procedure is:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[RS_VechimeStocDetaliat22]

    @data smalldatetime = '2009-06-30'

    , @codgest varchar(5) = '%'

    , @codart varchar(15) = '%'


    set nocount on

    declare @datastoc smalldatetime

    , @cantgasita numeric(28,8)

    , @cantnecesara numeric(28,8)

    , @pretintrare numeric(28,8)

    , @nrintstoc int

    , @nrintdoc int

    , @nrpartida int

    , @tipdoc varchar(2)

    , @final tinyint

    , @codsoc int

    create table _stocfifo (nrintstoc int, codart varchar(15), codgest varchar(5), dataintrare smalldatetime, cantcond numeric(28,8), pretintrare numeric(28,8),

    nrintdoc int, nrpartida int, tipdoc varchar(2), codsoc int, dataintrare_o smalldatetime, nrintdoc_o int, tipdoc_o varchar(2))

    truncate table _stocfifo

    select * from _stocfifo where tipdoc_o is null

    insert into _stocfifo (nrintstoc,codart,codgest,dataintrare,cantcond,pretintrare,nrintdoc,nrpartida,tipdoc,codsoc)

    select s.nrintstoc, s.codart, s.codgest, s.dataintrare, cant = s.cantcond - isnull(si.cantcondiesita,0), s.pretintrare, s.nrintdoc, s.nrpartidaaviz, s.tipdoc, s.codsoc

    from stocuri s left join (select nrintstoc, cantcondiesita = sum(cantcondiesita) from stociesiri where datavanzare <= @data and (@codgest = '%' or codgest = @codgest) and codart like @codart group by nrintstoc) si on s.nrintstoc = si.nrintstoc
    where s.dataintrare <= @data and (@codgest = '%' or codgest = @codgest) and codart like @codart and s.cantcond - isnull(si.cantcondiesita,0) > 0

    /*Prepare TABLE variable to take resultset*/

    DECLARE @stoc_c TABLE(

    RowID INT IDENTITY(1, 1),

    nrintstoc int ,

    dataintrare smalldatetime,

    nrintdoc int,

    nrpartida int,

    tipdoc varchar(2))

    /*Local variables */


    @count int, /*create local @@fetch_status*/

    @iRow int /*row pointer (index)*/

    /* create array simulator */

    INSERT @stoc_c

    select nrintstoc, dataintrare, nrintdoc, nrpartida, tipdoc from _stocfifo

    --where tipdoc_o is null and tipdoc in ('BT')

    /*get array Upper Bound (highest ID number)*/

    SET @count = @@ROWCOUNT

    /*initialize index counter*/

    SET @iRow = 1

    /*establish loop structure*/

    WHILE @iRow <= @count
    /*get row values*/
    SELECT @nrintstoc=nrintstoc, @datastoc=dataintrare, @nrintdoc=nrintdoc, @nrpartida=nrpartida, @tipdoc=tipdoc
    FROM @stoc_c
    WHERE RowID = @iRow
    /*perform operations with single row*/

    set @final = 0
    while @final = 0
    if @tipdoc in ('BP','bc','BA') set @final = 1
    if @tipdoc = 'BT'
    if exists (select 1 from stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = @nrpartida and nrintdoc = @nrintdoc and tipdoc = 'BT')
    select @datastoc = dataintrare, @nrintdoc = nrintdoc, @nrpartida = nrpartidaaviz, @tipdoc = tipdoc
    from stocuri where nrintstoc = (select nrintstoc from stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = @nrpartida and nrintdoc = @nrintdoc and tipdoc = 'BT')
    set @final = 1
    if @tipdoc = 'NR'
    if exists (select 1 from artavizef_stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = (select nrpartidaaviz from artnir where nrintnir = @nrintdoc and nrintartnir = @nrpartida))
    select @datastoc = dataintrare, @nrintdoc = nrintdoc, @nrpartida = nrpartidaaviz, @tipdoc = tipdoc
    from stocuri where nrintstoc = (select nrintstoc from stociesiri where nrintiesire = (select nrintiesire from artavizef_stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = (select nrpartidaaviz from artnir where nrintnir = @nrintdoc and nrintartnir = @nrpartida)))
    set @final = 1
    if @tipdoc = 'ac'
    if exists (select 1 from artavizec_storno where nrpartidaavizstorno = @nrpartida)
    select @datastoc = dataintrare, @nrintdoc = nrintdoc, @nrpartida = nrpartidaaviz, @tipdoc = tipdoc
    from stocuri where nrintstoc = (select top 1 nrintstoc from stociesiri where tipdoc = 'AC' and nrpartidaaviz = (select nrpartidaavizc from artavizec_storno where nrpartidaavizstorno = @nrpartida))
    set @final = 1
    if @tipdoc = 'cc'
    if exists (select 1 from artchitcc_storno where nrpartidachitfstorno = @nrpartida)
    select @datastoc = dataintrare, @nrintdoc = nrintdoc, @nrpartida = nrpartidaaviz, @tipdoc = tipdoc
    from stocuri where nrintstoc = (select top 1 nrintstoc from stociesiri where tipdoc = 'CC' and nrpartidaaviz = (select nrpartidachitf from artchitcc_storno where nrpartidachitfstorno = @nrpartida))
    set @final = 1
    update _stocfifo set dataintrare_o = @datastoc, nrintdoc_o = @nrintdoc, tipdoc_o = @tipdoc where nrintstoc = @nrintstoc

    /*go to next row*/
    SET @iRow = @iRow + 1

    select soc.societate, s.codgest, gestiune = g.denumire, clasa = isnull(ecl.numeelement,'N/A'), grupa = isnull(egr.numeelement,'N/A'), s.codart, s.dataintrare, s.pretintrare, cantramasa = s.cantcond, valoare = s.pretintrare * s.cantcond
    , datadoc = s.dataintrare_o, tipdoc = s.tipdoc_o, nrdoc = coalesce(n.nrnir, b.nrbon, av.nraviz, c.nrchitf), furnizor = coalesce(n.codfurnizor, av.codclient, c.codclient, 'N/A')
    from _stocfifo s join gestiuni g on s.codgest = g.codgestiune
    join articole a on s.codart = a.codart
    join societati soc on s.codsoc = soc.codsoc
    left join elementcont ecl on ecl.codelement = a.clasa
    left join elementcont egr on egr.codelement = a.grupa
    left join nir n on s.tipdoc_o = 'NR' and s.nrintdoc_o = n.nrintnir
    left join bon b on upper(left(s.tipdoc_o,1)) = 'B' and s.nrintdoc_o = b.nrintbon
    left join avizec av on s.tipdoc = 'ac' and s.nrintdoc_o = av.nrintaviz
    left join chitfiscalec c on s.tipdoc = 'cc' and s.nrintdoc_o = c.nrintchitf
    where s.tipdoc_o is not null
    --drop table _stocfifo
    set nocount off

    The question is: how to optimize this stored procedure?
    The execution is : exec RS_VechimeStocDetaliat22 '2009-06-30'

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Tables and indexes are described in the attachement.

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Please post execution plan, as per http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

    The first two things I'd do here would be to replace the table variables with temp tables and to get rid of that while loop. Row-by-row operations, whether by cursor or while loop are slow.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Soryy, I forgot to put the exec plan.

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Hi Gila,

    First time, the stored procedure was built with temp tables and was slowest than with table variables because of IO contention. As I said earlier, with temp tables (#stocfifo) the time of executing sp was about weeks versus table variables (in-memory) the time was about 2-3 days. I know that the loop is guilt by this issue and would know how to replace this loop.

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • Switching from Temp Tables to table variable is not going to help with IO problems. they are treated exactly the same regarding their location (memory or disk) and when they are written to disk.

    Will take a look at your stuff later in the week. Been at a conference.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • OK, thank you.

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.
  • You have to replace the inner while-end with four updates like this:

    update _stocfifo

    set dataintrare_o = stocuri.dataintrare, nrintdoc_o = stocuri.nrintdoc, tipdoc_o = stocuri.tipdoc

    from _stocfifo , @stoc_C scc, stocuri


    scc.tipdoc='BT' and

    _stocfifo.nrintstoc = scc.nrintstoc and exists

    (select 1 from stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = scc.nrpartida and nrintdoc = scc.nrintdoc and tipdoc = 'BT') and

    stocuri.nrintstoc =

    (select nrintstoc from stociesiri where nrpartidaaviz = scc.nrpartida and nrintdoc = scc.nrintdoc and tipdoc = 'BT')

    This would be the code for 'BT', you have to write the other 3 updates for tipdoc='NR', 'AC', 'CC' , I am not sure if the order of the queries is important but it seems it is not ...

    I suppose the indexes are ok, the last query seems fine too.

    But I am not sure the while-end code really works fine - what if the first encountered row has a tipdoc that terminates the loop? and the 2nd row has a valid tipdoc that would qualify for a _stocfifo update ?!?!? 😉 and I suppose your tables are not ordered by tipdoc ...

    Virgil Rucsandescu

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