SQL Server Logs

  • Hi,

    I normally check SQL Server Logs every morning, one of my Archive #1 -05/08/2009(1900002156byte) and when I click on the log, it tooks ages and not even come up. That is so big and all the Archive #2 to #5 are normal size. Anybody know why Logs is too big? I restart the SQL server this morning to recreate the new Log file. Any Idea?

    any way can I remove that big log Archive?



  • one way to recycle logs is scheduling the script below once a week,

    Exec sp_cycle_errorlog


    Cheer Satish 🙂

  • Hi,

    Do you mean Archive Logs in SQL or ERROR Logs?

  • The SQL Server Error log keeps getting added to as long as SQL Server runs. It restarts when the instance restarts.

    sp_cycle_error_log simulates the restart process. Errorlog becomes errorlog.1, errorlog.1 becomes errorlog.2, etc. And you get a new errorlog to check.

    However, be aware that cycling this means that you could be losing data since SQL only keeps a certain number of logs. If you want to recycle this, I might recommend weekly and then increase the number of logs kept to 10 or 20.

  • If u want to limit the size log file , the sp_cycle_errorlog system stored procedure can be issued to start a new error log. Depending on the growth rate of the SQL Server error log dictates when sp_cycle_errorlog should be issued.

    Please follow this example

    EXEC master.sys.sp_cycle_errorlog;

    -- Expected successful output

    -- DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Next, the easiest means to address this need would be to schedule a SQL Server Job to support the need. Reference the SQLServer2005_CycletheErrorLog_Job.txt as a point of reference.

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