Help with query

  • I have written a query but I'm not sure how to handle the version_number field. When a record gets updated a new row is written and the version_number gets incremented. I need to add a clause that says if there is more than one bp_id exists then ignore. I can't say version_number > 1 because there are two separate rows. Ideas?


    bp_version_id version_number bp_id title description

    520 1 540 some title some description

    972 2 540 some title some description

    Currently my query grabs the first row because it meets all conditions but I don't want the first row because the bp_id has a newer version that doesn't meet the conditions




    'http://mspweb02/bestpractice/bp_read.aspx?bp_version_id=' + CONVERT(varchar,b.bp_version_id) AS [EventHyperlink],



    b.title, u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname AS Steward,

    case b.status_code_id WHEN 4 THEN 'Draft' END AS Status,

    a.action_description AS 'History Status'


    dbo.best_practice_version AS B INNER JOIN

    dbo.action AS A ON b.bp_version_id = a.bp_version_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.best_practice AS BP ON BP.bp_id = b.bp_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.steward_og_dow AS S ON S.steward_og_id = b.steward_og_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.ad_user AS U ON U.ad_user_id = S.ad_user_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.division_of_work AS D ON D.dow_id = S.dow_id


    b.status_code_id = 4

    and a.pending_review_flag = 1

    and a.action_type_id = 32

  • You are more likely to get a reply if you provide test data and expected results.

    I, for one, do not understand what you are trying to do.

  • Hope this helps. I only want row one if row two doesn't exist. The second column is the version number. So if there is a version_number >1 then I don't want to return anything.

    520 1 540 4 7 Wind Energy - How to Analyze a Geotechnical Report & Identify Risks This IWI is designed to help estimators get a better understanding of the Geotech Report and identify any possible risks which may affect the project. An RFP may include a preliminary Geotech Report or none at all. 2007-10-04 00:00:00.000 2007-10-04 14:36:05.833 1501 2007-10-04 14:36:05.833 1501 11 693 0

    972 2 540 5 7 Wind Energy - How to Analyze a Geotechnical Report & Identify Risks This IWI is designed to help estimators get a better understanding of the Geotech Report and identify any possible risks which may affect the project. An RFP may include a preliminary Geotech Report or none at all. 2008-12-30 00:00:00.000 2008-12-30 07:50:42.920 392 2008-12-30 07:50:42.920 392 11 693 0

  • If you want the most recent version for a given bp_id try the ROW_NUMBER() approach.

    As you have not given test data, I do not know which table bp_id is in.

    (Add the appropiate alias after PARTITION BY)

    SELECT DISTINCT dow_name, EventHyperlink, bp_version_id, effective_date, Steward

    ,[Status], HistoryStatus





    'http://mspweb02/bestpractice/bp_read.aspx?bp_version_id=' + CONVERT(varchar(50),b.bp_version_id) AS [EventHyperlink],



    b.title, u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname AS Steward,

    CASE b.status_code_id WHEN 4 THEN 'Draft' END AS [Status],

    a.action_description AS HistoryStatus

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY bp_id ORDER BY version_number DESC) AS RowNum

    FROM dbo.best_practice_version AS B

    JOIN dbo.action AS A

    ON b.bp_version_id = a.bp_version_id

    JOIN dbo.best_practice AS BP

    ON BP.bp_id = b.bp_id

    JOIN dbo.steward_og_dow AS S

    ON S.steward_og_id = b.steward_og_id

    JOIN dbo.ad_user AS U

    ON U.ad_user_id = S.ad_user_id

    JOIN dbo.division_of_work AS D

    ON D.dow_id = S.dow_id

    WHERE b.status_code_id = 4

    AND a.pending_review_flag = 1

    AND a.action_type_id = 32

    ) D

    WHERE RowNum = 1

    [edit] DISTINCT moved

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