Named Pipes Provider Error

  • An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 – Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

    I have a SQL Server setup with an external IP and an internal IP with users in my head office connecting through the internal one and users outside of the local network connecting at branch offices via the external IP.

    The applications that the users run that uses the SQL server is exactly the same across all locations barring the connection string that is used. All users in the head office connect with no problem. Users at remote location A connect no problem. Users at remote location B used to connect with no problem, until suddenly no one could connect...getting the above error. I tried to find the error, but couldn't, so I setup a Terminal Services server that the users at remote location B RDP into to run the application using the Internal IP to the SQL server. All worked fine, until this morning when the users at remote location B started receiving the error again with no apparent cause.

    Please could someone point me in the right direction as this branch office is basically offline and I'm having no luck finding a solution.

  • check with the network administrators if there is any upgrade done or any changes done to the routers conf(ACE's etc)

  • if its a named instance try giving port number along with IP.

  • From the sites that can't connect can you ping the server name? does it resolve correctly. Do you even have named pipes turned on (I don't).

    My experience in these matters shows that name resolution is probably the single most common reasons why connections fail.


  • Thanks for the replies...the name resolved correctly and the remote clients were able to ping to server with no problem.

    The problem appears to have been good ol' Window Firewall...although I had added exceptions, disabled the firewall and everything...I have now stopped the Windows Firewall service in its entirety, and it now works 😐

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