SQLServerCentral Editorial

Why Volunteering May be a Bad Idea for You

Recently, as I was doing some work for the upcoming PASS Summit, a question popped in my head: “Why am I doing this?”

It reminded me of the time when I was young (and idealistic). I went to the leader of a non-profit group asked about making it my permanent vocation. The leader looked at me, and asked the following question: “Is there anything else you feel an equal or greater desire to do? If so, try that first.” Taken aback, I answered that I was getting interested in database work from my current job. The rest is a twisted historical tale, but I never did find out if this person sensed I was unsuited for this vocation that shares a lot of similarities with volunteering, or if it was just the question that was asked of everyone. However, after 20 or so years in the SQL Community, I know the reason the question needed to be asked.

One of the things that almost anyone coming to a local meetup, national conference, SQL Twitter account, or blogs will be inundated with is “Do you want to get involved? Why don’t you speak at our event? Why don’t you start an event? Are you on Twitter, if so, check out #sqlhelp, if not, ‘why not’?”

If you are considering giving in to the call for volunteering in the SQL community, you need to ask yourself that question I was asked. “Is there anything else you would rather be doing?” If so, do it, and don’t feel bad about it. This goes for event organizing, speaking, taking lunch tickets at a SQL Saturday, picking sessions, writing blogs, answering questions, whatever you are considering doing. If your undeniable desire is to be elsewhere, you are going to be a terrible volunteer. If you have ever worked with volunteers, you will recognize that a terrible volunteer is worse than no volunteer at all. Thinking you have a staff of people to help you achieve a task is great until helpers vanish into the ether, and you end up doing the work of 15 alone.

Now that I have your attention, realize my point isn’t to dissuade everyone else from volunteering. That would leave me with more work than I could imagine! No, the point is that that you need to understand the costs to you before committing, so that your commitment will be true. Any gift of time you provide to the community will certainly have lasting value to others, who, like yourself, have vocational needs that are most likely going to be met by the kindness of strangers.

Just be wary that, as you volunteer to do more and more, you are possibly going to miss things like:

  • Children’s extra-curricular activities – As a prime example, last year’s PASS Summit was on Halloween.
  • Events, like sporting events, concerts, etc. – Sometimes you may want to go see that new Marvel film that just came out, so you avoid spoilers.
  • Exercise – For many years, this plagued me. I worked during the day, and then volunteered at night, and my waistline expanded.
  • Sleep – Sometimes, if you can’t give up something, you just lose sleep. Sleep is really important and missing it will catch up to you in the long run.

A side benefit of volunteering in the community is that you often end up with another group of people you call family and friends who are also giving up part of their life to assist others, including you, with database needs. The SQL community is filled with amazing people and these friends will often assist you in ways that are amazing such as:

  • Having people that you can ask questions about SQL that will help you out anytime, and usually getting a better answer than you can pay for
  • Assist with finding that next work opportunity

As a final consideration, understand that volunteering in the SQL Community is a largely thankless act. You may get a pat on the back, a free meal, and maybe even an award. No matter how hard you may try, there are only going to be a few people who attain a level of fame like Brent Ozar and end up making an amazing living because of their community involvement. The pay for most of us is beyond terrible. I have always expected to get somewhat less than $0 (including expenses), and I have rarely been surprised or disappointed. Most people in the SQL Community could make better money by working a spatula at Wendy’s, and the hours would probably be more predictable.

The question I asked myself to open with last Saturday night: “Why am I doing this?” was not the first or last time I will think this, but so far, through all the years my reply to myself is: “because it is worth it”.


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