named pipe

  • i would like to do a simple query to obtain the named pipe information/name of my instance. i know where to find it in the registry, but would like to query it in sql server.

    thanks in advance

  • HI


    Select @@servername

  • thankx for thinking with me. i knew this option, but this gives me the servername. what i am looking for is the whole nine yards:



  • Hi

    There is the store procedure xp_regread. Check the master or msdb databases for the correct name.

    I'm replying from my mobile

  • Hi,

    thanks again. xp_regread was correct spelled, but this is for reading the registry with t-sql. i've got several instances and for using this isn't so handy i think. i just want to know if there is a way to get this information from sql server with a simple command. i am still searching the net. but if you come up with another idea please tell me.


  • This article shows how to get to this info using WMI and old fashioned VB (page 3 mentions pipe configuration):

    this article shows how to use WMI from C#:

    and this article shows how to create a CLR stored proc:

    Put it all together and you can do what you want without using regread, however seems like quite a bit of trouble and a couple of extra layers of code to essentially do the same thing as regread.

  • select * from sys.dm_exec_sessions

    select * from sys.dm_exec_requests

    select * from sys.dm_exec_connections

    you can join these 3 to filter more info, but connections and sessions should retuen you whats needed.

    Or sysprocesses.

  • thanks for the suggestion, but i don't see the complete named pipe string. the only thing i see is the notification that the named pipe is used to connect to the database, but not which named pipe this is.

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