QUOTED IDENTIFIER setting for XML VALUE() method

  • Hi All,

    I'm using a XML Value() method to parse a XML data & insert the data into a table. But i'm getting error as follows:


    INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.

    Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications

    and/or xml data type methods.

    Here's the code snippet for your reference (part of an Stored Proc in SIT box):





    INSERT INTO Employee(EmpNo, EName)

    SELECT XMLColumn.value('(row/@EmpId)[1]', 'INT') AS EmpNo,

    XMLColumn.value('(row/@EmpName)[1]', 'CHAR(60)') AS EmpName

    FROM XMLTable





    Does QUOTED IDENTIFIER get affected inside the SP... Or do i need to change the setting in my DB?

    Note: I'm not getting any error in my DEV box which has Quoted Identifier Enabled = False... Even in my SIT box, it's set to False.

    Any help in this issue is highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance 🙂


  • The QUOTED IDENTIFIER set option is set during the creation of the stored procedure and sticks with it, so modifying this set option at the session that activates the procedure, has no influence in the procedure. You can query the view sys.sql_modules in order to find out if your procedure was creates with set quated idenfifier on or off.


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