Stored Procedure, Union All, Variables and Excel 2003

  • Hi,

    I have 5 stored procs in a sql 2005 db and an excel 2003 application that calls the stored procs to populate sheets.

    3 of the 5 stored procs successfully pull data from the db to the excel app. The other 2 do not pull any data.

    When I run the 2 stored procs in the db that return no data in excel, the 2 stored procs pull the data. I have checked the excel code and it is fine.

    The only thing that is different between the 2 SPs that don't pull data and the 3 that do is that the 2 have Union Alls and variables that are not associated with the SP parameter. The following is one of the SPs that doesn't pull data.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetToDateActuals]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @Program Varchar(9)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    Declare @ratio Numeric(6,4)

    Declare @CurrFiscalYearMonth int

    Declare @MaxActualsYearMonth int

    Set @ratio = (

    Select Top 1 b.Ratio

    From DimWeeks a


    LU_Calendar b

    ON a.Week =

    Where a.Week = (Select Max(Week) from DimWeeks)


    Set @CurrFiscalYearMonth = (

    Select Top 1 b.YearMonth

    from ExtractCognos a

    Join LU_YearMonth b

    On a.Year = b.Year

    And a.Month = b.Month


    Set @MaxActualsYearMonth = (

    Select Top 1 b.YearMonth

    from ExtractActuals a

    Join LU_YearMonth b

    On a.Year = b.Year

    And a.Month = b.Month


    SELECT a.Month, a.Year, Program, Project, ResourceType,

    ForecastFTEs AS ActualFTEs,

    ForecastCost AS ActualCost

    FROM ViewForecastReport a

    Join LU_YearMonth b

    On a.Year = b.Year

    And a.Month = b.Month

    WHERE b.YearMonth < @CurrFiscalYearMonth

    AND ResourceType in ('Business', 'Manager', 'Executive', 'Operations', 'Consultant',

    'Consultant Executive','Consultant Manager',

    'Consultant Senior Analyst', 'Consultant Analyst')

    AND UnAssigned = 0

    AND Program = @Program

    Union All

    SELECT a.Month, a.Year, Program, Project, ResourceType,

    (ForecastFTEs)*(1-@Ratio) AS ActualFTEs,

    (ForecastCost)*(1-@Ratio) AS ActualCost

    FROM ViewForecastReport a

    Join LU_YearMonth b

    On a.Year = b.Year

    And a.Month = b.Month

    WHERE b.YearMonth = @CurrFiscalYearMonth

    AND ResourceType in ('Business', 'Manager', 'Executive', 'Operations', 'Consultant',

    'Consultant Executive','Consultant Manager',

    'Consultant Senior Analyst', 'Consultant Analyst')

    AND UnAssigned = 0

    AND Program = @Program

    Union All

    SELECT a.Month, a.Year,Program,Project, ResourceType,


    Cost AS ActualCost

    FROM ViewTimeDetailReport a

    Join LU_YearMonth b

    On a.Year = b.Year

    And a.Month = b.Month

    WHERE b.YearMonth >= @MaxActualsYearMonth

    AND Program = @Program

    And ResourceType <> ''


    Do I need to create and OutPut parameter for these kinds of stored procedures? If so, a parameter that will contain an entire recordset?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I apologize for the post. I figured out what the problem was and it was on the excel side. Apologies.

    Please remove if possible.

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