Help With getting a count query to work

  • I am trying to create a query that will count the number of incidents in a table. When I create these two separate queries I get the results back, but they are returned as two separate results

    SELECT COUNT (tblUseOfForce.Taser) AS Taser

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN

    tblIncident ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008) AND tblUseOfForce.taser = 1

    SELECT COUNT (tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce) AS PhysicalForce

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN

    tblIncident ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008) AND tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1

    But I want to combine the two into on results set. I have tried several ways but none seem to work. Can anyone help and/or explain what the proper way to do this is. I have been reading on the use of sub-queries and believe that may be the solution, but can't grasp the concept or get the syntax correct.



  • SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN tblUseOfForce.Taser=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Taser,

    SUM(CASE WHEN tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS PhysicalForce

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN

    tblIncident ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • --this one returns a count of all

    SELECT count( case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.Taser else null end ) AS Taser

    , count( case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce else null end ) AS Taser

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN

    tblIncident ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008) AND tblUseOfForce.taser = 1

    --this one returns the distinct count of each. no duplicates

    SELECT count( distinct case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.Taser else null end ) AS Taser

    , count( distinct case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce else null end ) AS Taser

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN


    ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008)

  • oops...sorry didnt remove constraint

    --this one returns a count of all

    SELECT count( case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.Taser else null end ) AS Taser

    , count( case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce else null end ) AS Taser

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN

    tblIncident ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008)

    --this one returns the distinct count of each. no duplicates

    SELECT count( distinct case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.Taser else null end ) AS Taser

    , count( distinct case when tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce = 1 then tblUseOfForce.PhysicalForce else null end ) AS Taser

    FROM tblUseOfForce INNER JOIN


    ON tblUseOfForce.EventNumber = tblIncident.EventNumber

    Where (Year(DateReceived) = 2008)

  • Thanks Mr. Or Mrs. 500 that worked great.

    Grasshopper your soultion seemed to return the same count for both columns?

  • The funny thing is after i submitted it i actually had to do the exact same thing for work and tried the same approach. Once i started testing the results i realized the err in my ways. I'm not 100% today it would seem. Funny. Must have one leg out the door. Perhaps i should lay off the help for the day. Creating more problems than solutions.;)

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