Partially updating data in the table using SSIS and Excel

  • I need to create a web based application that would update/insert/delete some records in the table in SQL Server db. Users would want to maybe "export" filtered data (not whole table) into Excel sheet, edit it there and import the updates back using SSIS. Not all the table should be updated but only what was imported from the Excel.

    table is simple like ID, Description.

    What would happen if several users would want to import their Excel sheets into the same table at the same time?

    I would prefer to let users create/delete/edit records in the web app in the datagreed but they insist on the Excel.

    Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction, what the workflow should be. Is it worth to use SSIS for this purpose? I didn't work with SSIS before.

    Situation is similar to this:

    ----------------------------------DATA FLOW----------------------------------

    Excel as data source -> data Conversion(to data tyope for table) ->Sort -> Merge join as left join component

    Table as data source -> Sort -> Merge join as 'right' table

    Join on the primary key to the excel, and include the table primary key as part of the resultset.

    Merge Join -> conditional split

    conditional split (where tablePK in result in Merge join is null) -> Table Destination (insert, since null table key = new rows)

    conditional split (where tablePK in result in Merge join is NOT null) -> OLE DB Command using column names to replace parametre's in an update statement.


    This does an update for rows that exist, based on PK match to the excel spreadsheet, and an insert for rows that don't exist.

    *** I am stuck at this point: "Join on the primary key to the excel, and include the table primary key as part of the resultset." Do I need to create an Excel as destination here and send there output from the left join?

  • You may want to look into using VBA in Excel and letting the users do the updates directly from Excel. As far as multiple users updating, it is like any other application, last one in wins. One way to manage updates would be to include a rowversion/timestamp column in the table(s) and compare it as well as the primary key. If it has changed you would not allow the update, but make the person re-load the spreadsheet to verify that they still want the change.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Thanks a lot Jack. I will look into it.

  • Vika

    I would do as Jack recommends. Working with SSIS and Excel is not that easy (

    look at the questions in this forum).

    You can do it in Excel with VBA but be careful if you have many concurrent users

    and a lot of data in Excel to be updated/inserted into the database.

    I have designed budget and forcast systems with 100 users like project leaders

    and they use Excel also as a tool working off line and then by pressing a button

    loads data back to the database. Its not very much of data per update less than

    200 rows.

    I include som VBA code examples (not tested exactly as written).

    Dim con As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim source,key,userid as string

    Dim K as long

    'Userid the user is promted and maybe validated.

    source = "Data source=Name of/IP adr of databaseserver;User ID=XXX;Password=YYY;Initial Catalog=databasename"

    'Comment string source or part of I usually save in file not accesable for the user.

    'Remote oledb which means that the database and the client Excel can be separated on a company network or Internet

    con.Provider = "sqloledb"

    con.Properties("Network Library").Value = "DBMSSOCN"

    con.Open source

    'Working with a recordset

    Set rs.ActiveConnection = con

    rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic 'Or change type

    rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic 'Or change type

    'If you have records in a table which you want to update or insert from data in the Excelsheet

    'Update (if exist) or insert a single record! "SELECT field1,field2 etc FROM Tabel WHERE something" 'Something can involve the user logged in"

    if rs.eof





    end if






    'If you want to update part of existing data in a table from data in an Excelsheet

    'or insert new records you can do it in a loop.

    'Include userid and a timestamp recommended.

    'Lets say you have a sheet with records from row 1 to XXXX (xxxx can be found by lastcellfunction)

    'kolumn A is a keyfield to select where from.

    'Kolumn B field1

    'Kolumn C field2


    for K = 1 to xxxx

    key = Cell(K,1).value 'String should be unique generated and locked in Excel. Maybe

    'an autogenerated number can be used. "SELECT keyfield , field1 , field2 . updated, userid FROM Tabel WHERE keyfield = '" & key & "'"

    if rs.eof






    rs!Updated = Date & " " & Time 'DateTime format

    rs!Userid = userid





    rs!Updated = Date & " " & Time 'DateTime format

    rs!Userid = userid

    end if



    next K

    Set rs = Nothing

    Set con = Nothing

    Let us hear about your progress.:-)


  • Gosta, thanks!

    it helped me a lot. I completed it and set it up on the server for my boss to test.

    What would I do without you guys...:-P

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