Set fields with Null values to blank

  • Hi all,

    I am a newbie to SSIS, I need some help here.

    I have an SSIS package which does basic copying. What we want to do here is set the fields in the destination column having Null values to Blank.

    Since these are field delimited files this means that each field will need corresponding blanks (ex: field size 5 = ‘ ‘ and not just ‘’).

    Thank you,


  • If I am reading this right, from your source, you have columns that are coming across as NULL that you want translated to blank before entering into your destination.

    To do this, add in a Derived Column Transformation between your source and destination steps in the Data Flow task. The logic, which is placed in the Expression column for the new column, will be something like the following:

    ISNULL( [ColA] ) ? ' ' : [ColA]

    Give this column a different name and then in your Destination task, use the New Derived Column as the source instead of the original column.


  • If your source is SQL Server might I suggest you do the conversion in your SQL Statement in the source. Something like:

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (col VARCHAR(5))


    @test-2 (col)







    IsNull(col, Replicate(' ', 5)) AS REPLICATED,

    CONVERT(CHAR(5), ISNULL(col, ' ')) AS converted,

    col AS is_Null



    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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