DTA Purge and Archive (BizTalkDTADb

  • On our SQL Server, the biztalk job DTA Purge and Archive (BizTalkDTADb) is disabled by default.

    Script from the job step:

    exec dtasp_BackupAndPurgeTrackingDatabase

    0, --@nLiveHours tinyint, --Any completed instance older than the live hours +live days

    1, --@nLiveDays tinyint = 0, --will be deleted along with all associated data

    30, --@nHardDeleteDays tinyint = 0, --all data older than this will be deleted.

    null, --@nvcFolder nvarchar(1024) = null, --folder for backup files

    null, --@nvcValidatingServer sysname = null,

    0 --@fForceBackup int = 0 --

    I did modified the job step as below:

    exec dtasp_BackupAndPurgeTrackingDatabase 1, 0, 1, 'D:\backup', null, 0

    and got the below error:


    Executed as user: abc\msssqlsrv. Incorrect syntax near '0'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102). The step failed.

    Then I created a shared folder on the server called Backup and changed the job step as below:

    exec dtasp_BackupAndPurgeTrackingDatabase 1, 0, 1, '\\servername\backup', null, 0

    But still getting the same error.

    Please advice me where I'm going wrong

  • User posted question also on msdn and answered their own question. Apparently the full job/script included a partially commented version of the default backup job but the parameters were not commented.


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