What should be backed up on a server where SQL Server 2000/2005 is installed?

  • I have several servers with 2000 and 2005 installed. I backup the databases nightly. However, we have backup software outside the database or server that needs to have the paths defined to it of what should be backed up on the sql 2000 and 2005 servers.

    What besides the backup directory where the backup files for each database resides should be backed up?

  • We have two types of backups. 1) database, 2) server.

    The database backup which what you described where it is backed up to a local drive. We then take those backups and put them on tape to be stored off site. We also backup the entire server, minus these backups. This way if we need to recreate the server for any reason or need something specific, we then have a complete backup of the server.

  • I agree with you completely. I guess because they are asking fron a database perspective what should be backed up, I thought I would the question.

  • I don't think it is possible to backup the directory where you have your mdf and ldf files, unless you have something like SQL SNAPS software.

    So, it is your whole server minus the directory containing mdf and ldf files.

  • If possible we have a SQLBackup directory in a dedicated backup drive (if not, the directory still exists in the top level of an available drive)

    We got into the habit of having every database backup to it's own directory (the create subdirectory option) and keeping both the full and transaction log backups in each database folder. We have a third party archiving program that copies the entire directory (e.g. X:\SQLBackup\) to tape, usually starting early in the morning. We typically keep at least two full backups and 48 hours worth of transaction log backups.

    Standardizing your backup locations across all SQL servers will make it easier also for the person managing the outside backup program.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

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