Comparing spaces characters

  • Hi,

    I would remove side-by-side duplicate charaters. I use following WHILE loop. but the CODE does not remove duplicate spaces. Why? how can I do that?




    SET @r = '';


    SET @i = 1;

    WHILE @i <= LEN(@s)


    IF @i = 1

    SET @r = SUBSTRING(@s, 1, 1);

    ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@s, @i, 1) <> SUBSTRING(@r, LEN(@r), 1)

    SET @r = @r + SUBSTRING(@s, @i, 1);

    SET @i = @i + 1;


    SELECT @r AS [Result]

    --See! But I need remove duplicate space characters during the function!




    SQL Server


  • I just ran your code, it is displaying "SQL Server"

    what do you want in your output?

  • You may probably wnat to read thro one excellent article from Jeff Moden on how to "REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One"

    LINK : REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One[/url]

    Hope this helps you!

  • ColdCoffee (5/19/2010)

    You may probably wnat to read thro one excellent article from Jeff Moden on how to "REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One"

    LINK : REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One[/url]

    Hope this helps you!

    Thanks for the link to the Article. I like it!

    I just ran your code, it is displaying "SQL Server"

    what do you want in your output?

    Are you sure about that? There are not any multiple duplicate space character between 'SQL' and ‘Server’?

  • I fine the mistake!

    Assume my string is: DECLARE @S VARCHAR(500) = 'abc 'SELECT LEN(@s) --The result will be 3! not 5! This was my problem

    Why SQL Server does not calculate spaces for end part of a string?!

    WHILE @i <= LEN(@s)


    IF @i = 1

    SET @r = SUBSTRING(@s, 1, 1);

    ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@s , @i, 1) <> SUBSTRING(@r, LEN(@r+'1')-1, 1)

    SET @r = @r + SUBSTRING(@s, @i, 1);

    SET @i = @i + 1;


  • Use DATALENGHT function, This will calculate white spaces at both ends of the string. This might help your cause!

  • ColdCoffee (5/19/2010)

    Use DATALENGTH function, This will calculate white spaces at both ends of the string. This might help your cause!

    Thanks a lot ColdCoffee! 🙂

    I have not used this function yet.

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