linked server

  • Hi,

    I've defined a linked server for a user. now i don't want the user to alter the linked server, but only let him see the tables and views of the catalog within this linked server. is there a way to do this.



  • created a user having only read permission in SOURCE SERVER.

    select security tab under linked server properties in TARGET SERVER and use that user in BE MADE USING THIS SECURITY CONTEXT.

  • Hi,

    solved the problem by just giving the user the right to a system view.


  • Could you please share the system view name you granted permission on?


  • Of course here it is:

    use master

    grant execute on xp_prop_oledb_provider to [USERNAME]

  • Thanks Bryan. You could have granted 'view definition permission' to that user under that database for the same too.

  • thanks for the suggestion.

  • Hi Bryan and Manu,

    I would like to know what will be the effect in granting execute permission to xp_prop_oledb_provider to a user in the database.

    Currently, I'm encountering an issue with a linked server that has been migrated to SQL 2005 having an error about "Execute permission denied on object 'xp_prop_oledb_provider ', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'."

    I was just wondering if we are not granting the user other permission other than what there linked server should be doing..


  • Hi,

    Before i gave the user this permission i've tested several issues regarding the linked server. Like dropping, renaming etc. This all was not possible, so therefore decided that this was for us the proper way.



  • I am on the same page as Bryan.

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