Trigger to see what is inserting rows into a table.

  • I have a table where data is being insered by various processes. I would like to create an audit log where I can see the details of the process that is doing the insertion. Ie is it a stored procedure, who is running it, from which hostpc etc.

    I am aware that I need to do this via a trigger but what can i use to provide the above information ?

    Any help would be great. Google is not my friend today !

  • MIght I suggest that you examine using the OUTPUT clause, which is much easier to code for multiple rows being insterted/updated/deleted than a trigger.

    Use Books On Line it has a multitude of sample code to help you write the T-SQL that you would need.

    Here is an example from BOL -- it uses a table variable but I have used similiar code to write to either a temp table, or a table in the database so I can review the data over a longer period of time.

    USE AdventureWorks


    DECLARE @MyTableVar table (

    ProductID int NOT NULL,

    ProductName nvarchar(50)NOT NULL,

    ProductModelID int NOT NULL,

    PhotoID int NOT NULL);

    DELETE Production.ProductProductPhoto





    INTO @MyTableVar

    OUTPUT DELETED.ProductID, DELETED.ProductPhotoID, GETDATE() AS DeletedDate

    FROM Production.ProductProductPhoto AS ph

    JOIN Production.Product as p

    ON ph.ProductID = p.ProductID

    WHERE p.ProductID BETWEEN 800 and 810;

    --Display the results of the table variable.

    SELECT ProductID, ProductName, PhotoID, ProductModelID

    FROM @MyTableVar;


    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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