SQLWEP Error None 124 ?

  • 7/01/2010 19:33:18 SQLWEP Error None 124 N/A Servername "CREATE QUEUE permission denied in database 'msdb'.

    SQLErrorInfo: 42000

    HResult: 0x80040e14

    Source: Microsoft SQL Native Client


    07/01/2010 19:32:33 MSSQLSERVER Failure Audit (4) 18456 NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON Servername-C Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. [CLIENT:]

    07/01/2010 19:32:18 Microsoft Operations Manager Error MOM Agent 25402 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Servername "The Microsoft Operations Manager WMI provider 'SQL Server Database Mirroring monitor - Default instance' could not register query ""SELECT * FROM DATABASE_MIRRORING_STATE_CHANGE"". Ensure that the WMI Query is valid.?

    Any one please help me regarding this ?

  • Is this error on a cluster? I found someone who seems to have had a similar error which was fixed by setting up the virtual network names.


    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

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