Running DTS equivalent SSIS packages

  • Hi,

    In DTS we use to run packages using sp_OACreate and sp_OAMethod. by passing in dynamically variables(file name or DTS name) how do we do equivalent of that in SSIS? Can stored procedured be used to run SSIS packages too?



    -- Create the package


    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @oPKG OUT

    IF @hr <> 0


    PRINT '*** Create Package object failed'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr



    -- Load the Package

    -- DTSSQLServerStorageFlags

    -- DTSSQLStgFlag_Default = 0 (Use Server authenticdation)

    -- DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection = 256 (Use Windows Authentication)

    Set @mycmd = 'LoadFromSQLServer("' + @Server + '", "", "", 256, , , , "' + @DTSPKG + '")'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @oPKG, @mycmd, NULL

    IF @hr <> 0


    PRINT '*** Load Package failed'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr



    If yes how do I specify my packge name and in which method? to run them

  • I had looked at this exact question about 18 months ago and didn't find a really good solution. What I did was write a SQLCLR module that instantiated a process object and effectively called DTEXEC. A process object is like xp_cmdshell. Now, by policy we weren't going to be turning on xp_cmdshell on this server. And even if we did, the app wasn't allowed to use it. I viewed this method as more secure than simple xp_cmdshell because it read a table that listed all packages it was allowed to run, was only capable of calling DTEXEC, and didn't use xp_cmdshell.


  • Thanks for the guidance. So I was not the only one with this problem.

  • Not at all. It is possible to import all the required DLLs but it is really messy and I personally wouldn't.


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