How to map data/define transformation in SSIS package?

  • Hi,

    I'm quite new to SSIS and now in the process of creating a SSIS package to load data from a csv file.

    Inside the csv file, there is a COMPANY column name which contains the company code eg: 'AAA'

    Currently, the COMPANY column from csv file is mapped to ENTITYID column in my fact table (refer to screenshot attached).

    When I load the csv file into my fact table, I intend to store the company code as 'BBB' in the ENTITYID column.

    Meaning to say, the transformation should look like this:



    AAA | BBB

    How can I achieve that? Kindly advise...Thanks!

  • Add a Derived Column Transformation to your data flow.

    Select "Replace 'EntityID'" in the Derived Column.

    Then use the following expression:

    (EntityID == "AAA") ? "BBB" : EntityID

    This will replace all AAA values with BBB, but it leaves all the other Company_Codes untouched.

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  • da-zero (4/13/2010)

    Add a Derived Column Transformation to your data flow.

    Select "Replace 'EntityID'" in the Derived Column.

    Then use the following expression:

    (EntityID == "AAA") ? "BBB" : EntityID

    This will replace all AAA values with BBB, but it leaves all the other Company_Codes untouched.

    Hi da-zero,

    If I have more than one transformation for EntityID column, how is the expression looks like?



    AAA | BBB

    CCC | DDD

    EEE | FFF


  • Build a mapping table (OldID, NewID) and then use a Lookup transformation to lookup the new ID based on the old ID ... much easier than building a mega-complicated nested condition.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • yingchai (4/13/2010)

    Hi da-zero,

    If I have more than one transformation for EntityID column, how is the expression looks like?



    AAA | BBB

    CCC | DDD

    EEE | FFF


    Ah sorry, I misunderstood your question. I thought you only had to change one mapping :-).

    In the case of multiple mapping, the solution of Phil Parking is the way to go. It is much much better in maintenance and it is easier to implement than a nested-structure in the one-line derived column expression editor.

    A couple of extra pointers:

    * use SQL code to get the data from your mapping table instead of selecting the table from the dropdown-box (this is common best practice)

    * don't forget to do something with the lookup errors (e.g. if the company code was not found in the mapping table). Either ignore them or solve them by redirecting the rows to other components (see the configure error output in the lookup component).

    * if you ignore the error rows, replace the null values by a dummy value (like -1 or something like that) if this is desired

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  • Hi Phil,

    I still encounter some problems with the lookup table where by it still can't transform my data from source file into my fact table. Please refer to my screenshot for the current settings at SSIS package.

    My source file contains 'GSPN' data under Sorg column. During my loading process, I intend to transform GSPN into PP2 and load PP2 into my fact table.

    How can I get it right? Thanks.

  • Sorg should be joined to source_id, not destination_id.

    The rest should be ok ... as long as you do not need sorg later on in the dataflow.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi Phil,

    I had some problems here after applying the Lookup Transformation when I want to do partial mapping.

    For example, if I have other few hundreds of PRODUCT code which I want to "load as-it-is" to the fact table while I want to map some product id, what is the best solution? It seems that whatever member ids that I need to load in must be included in the look-up table which is a bit troublesome to maintain.

    Please refer to my mapping table below which I created in SQL and is used in the Lookup Transformation



    AAA | 111

    BBB | 222

    CCC | 333

    | No_Product

    Please advise. Thanks.

  • yingchai (4/13/2010)

    Hi Phil,

    I had some problems here after applying the Lookup Transformation when I want to do partial mapping.

    That's why I talked about redirecting or ignoring the error output of your lookup component. If the lookup can't find a match (in other words, the company code is not included in the mapping table), then you should replace the null value returned by the lookup component by the original company_code.

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  • da-zero (4/14/2010)

    yingchai (4/13/2010)

    Hi Phil,

    I had some problems here after applying the Lookup Transformation when I want to do partial mapping.

    That's why I talked about redirecting or ignoring the error output of your lookup component. If the lookup can't find a match (in other words, the company code is not included in the mapping table), then you should replace the null value returned by the lookup component by the original company_code.

    Yep - perfect advice.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi da-zero,

    I had tried the "redirect row" and "ignore failure" approach but still my IDs didn't transform correctly. Please find my 2 result scenarios attached.

    My ultimate goal is to load the existing product codes from my source file "as-it-is" and transform the null product code in my source file into "No_Product_Line". Kindly advise.

  • There is a better way of doing this which does not require a lookup table.

    Add a derived column which converts NULLs to "No_Product_Line" and leaves non-NULL data as is, something like this:


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin (4/17/2010)

    There is a better way of doing this which does not require a lookup table.

    Add a derived column which converts NULLs to "No_Product_Line" and leaves non-NULL data as is, something like this:


    Hi Phil,

    I had successfully created the derived column but my fact table still stores NULL values after load. I'm not sure whether my set up is done correctly?

    Please advise.

    EDIT: Phil, I managed to solved the NULL product_code transformation by changing the expression to if else:

    Product_Code== "" ? "No_Product_Line" : Product_Code

    Now I have another issue. If I were to load a mixtures of original and transformed product code which is the best method to use? Can we use a combination of derived column and lookup? If yes, can you advise on how to transform the product code pattern below?



    CMP-100 | CMP_100

    CMP-200 | CMP_200

    CMP-300 | CMP_300

    CMP1000 | CMP1000

    CMP2000 | CMP2000

    CMP3000 | CMP3000

    | No_Product_Line


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