Sql Remote restore Help

  • HI,

    I am trying to setup a job to restore a remote database backups.

    these backups run every alternative day.

    Sql attaches year day and time to the bakup file. How do I use it?

    currently I am running TSQL to do a restore

    restore database from


    with move 'DBase' to 'c:\Program files\mssql\data\Dbase.mdf',

    with move 'DBase_log' to 'c:\program files\mssql\log\dbase_log.ldf'

    the filename changes everyday. How can I use wildcards to pass the value in this case?

    your help would be much appreciated.


  • You could query it out of msdb using a linked server. Something like:




    linked_server.msdb.dbo.backupset AS B JOIN

    linked_server.msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily AS B3

    ON B.media_set_id = B3.media_set_id


    B.database_name = 'DB_NAME' AND

    B.[type] = 'D' AND

    -- Full

    B.backup_finish_date = (




    msdb.dbo.backupset AS B1


    B.database_name = B1.database_name AND

    B.[type] = B1.[type]


    You'll need to parse the string, but this gets you started.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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